First mission with you

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It was just any other day, vampires attacking people, the vampire slayers loosing another person. And Mikosa gets sent to a mission with Harusa.

"Mikosa! I'm so excited! Its my first mission! And i get to do it with you!" Harusa says while happily jumping up and down

"Yes yes, ok. I appreciate your enthusiasm but remember..vampires are very dangerous. Stay close to me and don't wander around, ok?" Mikosa says with a strict tone, she doesn't wanna lose Harusa too.

"Ok, I promise i won't wander around.." Harusa says as she stops jumping

Mikosa nods and grabs Harusa's hand, and starts walking towards where the vampire was seen at. 

Mikosa doesn't know it but Harusa was blushing when Mikosa held her hand.




It was now late at night. The time that vampires come out and hunt. And also the perfect time to kill one.  

"Stay close to me harusa, i can sense the vampire being close." Mikosa says keeping a tight grip on her scythe with one hand and with her other hand holding harusa's hand.

"Ok, i will stay close.." harusa says while walking behind mikosa, all of the sudden mikosa stops walking.

"huh? Mikosa why did you stop." Harusa says looking confused but she suddenly feels Mikosa shielding her. 

Mikosa is currently fighting the vampire that they were looking for, but she's loosing the battle due to having to protect Harusa along with fighting creature.

"What's wrong pathetic human? Can't handle a  little blood loss?" The vampire says in a mocking and insulting manner.

"Shut up. Don't you dare speak you disgusting creature!" With a swift slash the vampire's head was on the floor, silence filled the air as Harusa and Mikosa looked at each other. 

" did it mikosa!" Harusa jumps up and down, very happy in the battle's result. 

"Uh. Yea thanks.." mikosa's vision is slowly becoming blurry, as she falls forward.

"H-Hey..! Mikosa!" Harusa runs over to Mikosa and catches her in time. 

"Geez, I didn't realize that she's this light.." Harusa says as she carries Mikosa on her back.




After a few hours Harusa makes it back to Mikosa's apartment and lays Mikosa down on her bed.

Having nothing to do Harusa decides to walk around the apartment a bit. As she walks around she sees many things, a few dirty dishes in the sink. Probably from Mikosa being overworked by the vampire slayer corporation. But one thing catches her eye specifically, a picture. 

Harusa walks closer to the photo and picks it up. And closely looks at it. The picture is of Minko and Mikosa. 

"Huh..who is this other person in the picture..? Mikosa never told me if she had any siblings or anything..oh well. I shouldn't go snooping around her stuff" With that Harusa pits the picture back on the shelf and sits on the couch.




                                           End of chapter 4 of part two has ended 

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