Chapter 9

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Minwoo POV

I woke up and looked around. Noona isn't here so she must be awake.

I got out of bed and found a note on top of some clothes. I smiled as I read the note. It was from Hyunseong hyung.

"Wear these. It'll be too big since I gave Semi Jeongmin's clothes. Come down when you're awake.

- Hyunseong"

I got dress quickly so I could eat. I closed the door after I walked out of the room. Noona must be waiting for me too.

"Noona!" I yelled.

"Minwoo, did you sleep well?" Noona asked.

"Mm. Did you?" I asked.

"I did too." Semi noona replied back.

She looks better today. I'm glad. I'm also glad she walked out since she didn't hear anything about my parents.

"How's Donghyun hyung?" I asked.

"Thinking." L.Joe hyung answered.

"Eat." Noona said. "Kwangmin and Youngmin called. Their waiting for you at the park."

"Are you going to come too noona?" I asked.

"No." Noona answered.

"Why?" I asked.

"I want to talk more with Hyunseong." Noona said. "Could you give me Kwangmin's number?"

"Sure." I said.

She handed me her hand and I inputed his number. Once I was done eating, noona kissed my forehead. I smiled and kissed her cheek.

"Come back safely." Noona said.

I nodded and headed out to the park. Noona continued to wave when I turned around. I waved back and she went back inside.

I hurried to the park since they might be worried about me and noona. I'll tell them we're all right. Hyunseong hyung and Jeongmin hyung have done this to us before.

"Hyungs!" I yelled as I saw them.

They got up and they started to wave. I ran over to them more quickly. Youngmin hyung handed me some water while Kwangmin hyung fanned me.

"How are you feeling?" Youngmin hyung asked.

"I'm feeling fine." I said.

"How's Semi?" Kwangmin hyung asked.

"Noona's fine too." I said. "Noona cried yesterday though. Did you say something?"

"No. I just said my experiences." Kwangmin hyung answered.

I nodded and set the bottled water down. We talked about what happened when Semi noona and Kwangmin hyung were outside. Then Kwangmin hyung said what Semi noona said outside.

Youngmin POV

I kept looking over to Kwangmin. He kept looking down which made me curious to what he's doing.

"Hyung, are you texting someone?" I asked.

"Mm." Kwangmin answered.

"Who?" I asked.

"I'm texting Seungyoun from dad's phone." Kwangmin answered.

"Hul, Seungyoun can text?" Minwoo questioned.

"Yeah but he's bad at it." Kwangmin giggled.

He held up his phone. We bursted out in laughter after reading what Seungyoun texted. Kids can't text well unless their genuises.

"Why ask though?" Kwangmin asked.

"I thought you were texting noona." Minwoo answered.

I thought the same. I just couldn't say it.

"Why? I don't have her number." Kwangmin said.

"Noona asked me to give you her number." Minwoo said.

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't know. She asked and I gave it to her." Minwoo answered.

Kwangmin started to smile once again when he looked at his phone. I felt that it wasn't just Seungyoun he was texting. It felt like he was also Semi he was also texting. Acting when Minwoo and I asked.

Kwangmin POV

I mentally sighed. I didn't get caught texting Semi. I'm actually texting Seungyoun and Semi at the same time but Semi texts faster than Seungyoun.

Minwoo almost caught on. But I'm gald he gave Semi my number. I get to talk with her more.

"Ice cream!" Minwoo yelled.

"I'll go get some." I said getting up.

"No. I'll go get some. Kwangmin, you stay here with Minwoo." Youngmin hyung said getting up.

I nodded and sat back down. Youngmin hyung left to go buy some ice cream.

"Hyung, you're texting Semi, right?" Minwoo said.

"H-How?" I questioned.

"I saw another message. It must have been noona since you blocked all the girls on your phone." Minwoo said.

"You're so sharp, Minwoo." I said.

"It's only common sense hyung. Plus, you helped noona yesterday." Minwoo said.

"Would you be mad if I said I love Semi?" I asked.

"No. Semi noona is like my sister. She is my sister even if we aren't blood related. I would be happy if you or Youngmin hyung would date noona." Minwoo said.

"Thank you. You're the best." I said.

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