Chapter 7

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Minwoo POV

The car is different. Much bigger and mre stylish. I wonder what happened to the other car?

"Hyung, what happened to your other car?" I asked.

"Ah, this isn't mine. It's Taekwoon hyung's. His is more bigger and it could fit you all." L.Joe hyung explained.

I nodded at the explaination. This is my first time seeing Taekwoon hyung's car.

"Minwoo." Youngmin hyung whispered.

"Hm?" I answered.

"Who is Taekwoon?" Kwangmin hyung asked.

"Hm... The person noona likes?" I answered.

"What?" Both questioned.

"It's for sure noona likes Taekwoon hyung. He takes care of us like Donghyun hyung. After all, we..." I said.

"Minwoo!" Noona interrupted me.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"Noona, what's wrong? Did he hurt you?" Seungyoun asked.

"I'm fine." Noona said with a soft smile.

I looked down at my lap. I've made noona uncomfortable. All because of my big mouth.

"Minwoo." Noona said.

"I'm sorry, noona." I said.

"It's fine." Noona said.

??? POV

"Hyunseong, when are they coming?" I asked.

"Right now." Hyunseong answered.

"Really?" I questioned.

"Are you nervous? Semi texted me. Want to see?" Donghyun hyung said walking over to me.

I nodded and he showed me his phone. I read the messages from before and then looked up to hyung.

"Hyung, you still have a sister complex?" I questioned.

"Yah!" Donghyun hyung yelled at me.

I handed back his phone to him. I sat down at the table and stared at the food. Hyunseong warned me not to eat until Semi gets here.

"Taekwoon!" I heard someone yell.


I got up to check who it was. I smiled as I saw Semi and a little kid running at me.

"Semi, who is this little kid?" I asked picking him up.

"His name is Seungyoun. He's cute, right?" Semi said smiling.

"Mm." I reply back.

"Semi!" Donghyun hyung yelled.

He hugged her from behind but he got hit in the stomach instead. I stared blankly at hyung as he layed on the ground.

Hyunseong and Jeongmin dragged him to the other side while Minwoo and two taller men walked over.

"Minwoo, who are they?" I asked.

"Ah, Youngmin hyung and Kwangmin hyung are twins. My best friends." Minwoo answered.

"Hello, I'm Jung Taekwoon. It's nice to meet you." I greeted them.

"Hello, I'm Jo Kwangmin." The left twin said.

"I'm Jo Youngmin." The right twin said.

"Taekwoon, you can start eating now. Seungyoun and Semi are already eating." Hyunseong said.

I immediately sat down and started eating. Semi fed me and Seungyoun. I smiled as more food came in.

Donghyun POV

I looked around. Everyone was eating execpt for me. I can't believe Semi hit me. To her own brother too.

"Yah." Semi said.

I looked over to her. She was holding me some food for me.

"Semi." I said.

"Hurry. My arm hurts and Seungyoun needs to eat." Semi said.

I ate it quickly. Semi's head was down and it sounded like she mumbled something.

"Hyung, noona says you shouldn't strave yourself." Minwoo said.

"So you do care for me." I said. "I love you, Semi!"

"Just eat." Semi said.

I nodded and continued to eat. And after a while, dessert came and Semi, Seungyoun, and Taekwoon were engulfing themselves.

I should at least give Semi a good time before I say anything. She probably won't like it but it's been long enough. She should know by now.

"Now, I have something to announce." I said.

"You found someone and you're finally getting married?" Semi said.

"No!" I yelled.

"But hyung, you should find someone soon." Minwoo said.

"Minwoo, you agree with Semi?" I asked.

"Mm. You're getting old." Minwoo said.

"Anyway! I have something to say." I said.

"Hurry up and say it." Jeongmin said. "I've had my full and I'm tired."

"Me too. My baby is waiting for me." Byunghun said.

"Minwoo, Semi, we are not blood-related." I confessed.

"I know." Semi said.

"Me too." Minwoo said.

"What? Since when?" I questioned.

"Since the beginning. But, that's not all, isn't it?" Semi questioned.

"Semi, your parents came to find me a month ago." I said.

"My parents?" Semi questioned.

"Mm. They want to take you back." I said.

Semi set down her spoon. She then started to glare at me.

"And you didn't say anything of refusal?" Semi questioned.

"It's not my decision. It's yours." I said.

Semi got up and left the room. It was silent.

Semi, I'm really sorry. It isn't up to me to decide. I want you to stay but like I said, it's not my decision.

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