Chapter 14

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HSS finally sent me an email requesting my assistance at their center

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HSS finally sent me an email requesting my assistance at their center. Since many people had left Kitalo City for the holidays, they were short-staffed and in serious need of volunteers to help them prepare for the Christmas lunch, just as I anticipated.

The facilitator who asked for my help included the program for Christmas day and though I couldn't deny that I was mostly helping out so I could finally speak to Nella, a big part of me was also eager to help ensure that everything would be executed according to plan. The organisation had included a children's program for the first time ever to ensure that the kids who were part of the Help the Children Stand subdivision also enjoyed their Christmas. I was actually really excited to see it all come together.

I walked into the building's reception and stood there feeling lost. No one was manning the desk and the whole place was really quiet. Right when I was about to make a call to the facilitator, I saw someone enter the room with three huge boxes stacked on top of each other.

Though the boxes prevented me from seeing her face, I knew exactly who I was looking at. Her fresh set of acrylic nails and customised sneakers gave her away.

"Hi," she said in a strained voice. "Please give me a second to go drop these boxes off. I'll be with you soon."

"I'll help you carry them."

I heard her gasp as soon as I said that. She stood frozen in place and I grabbed the box in the middle so that she'd be left with just the bottom one. The boxes weren't that heavy, but I still didn't feel comfortable letting her carry so much. I stood back to finally see her face.

"Hasani?" she said with shock evident on her face. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm one of the sponsors for the Christmas lunch. I heard there was a need for more hands, so I'm here."

"How come you never told me you were one of our sponsors?"

"How come you're avoiding me when we agreed to not make things awkward between us?"

She put her box down on the table and put her face in her hands.

"I'm not avoiding you, I've just been really busy."

"Are you being completely honest, Nella Lola?"

Seeing her in distress was actually a bit funny. Nella was usually more composed than this. She was quiet for a bit and then she grabbed the box off the table, telling me to follow her. She led the way to her initial destination, an office with a huge round table and chairs all around it. We walked through its wide open door and put the boxes on the table.

Nella sighed and looked up at me with stress written all over her face.

"I am avoiding you."

"No surprise there." I said with a smirk. "But why?"

"Because," she whispered and came a bit closer to me. "I wasn't supposed to kiss you."

"When did you kiss me?" I asked out loud, making her turn her head to check who might have heard even though there was nobody here but us.

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