105. Where Are You.

Start from the beginning

The only good thing about backtracking was that Rosie didn't have to kill any walkers. All of the walkers along her way had already been killed. Rosie felt very lucky for that, considering she didn't even have a weapon to use.

Only after already having been walking for a long while, Rosie began to realize the huge mistake she had made. She came to her senses and realized that she was out there all alone, no weapon, no map, no help, nothing. But there was no going back now, so Rosie just kept looking. It was hard to look for a bracelet when the ground was covered in leaves and branches, but Rosie made sure to look extra carefully. She needed to find this bracelet. She didn't know what she would do if she couldn't find it. Maybe it wouldn't actually be the end of the world, but it would certainly feel like it.

Rosie had been keeping her eyes glued to the ground beneath her feet, in order to find the bracelet. But keeping your eyes glued to the ground when walkers were roaming the woods wasn't exactly the smartest idea. A walker that Rosie hadn't even heard coming suddenly stepped out in front of her, grabbing onto her shoulders and pushing her to the ground. Rosie shrieked and started trying to push the thing off of her. Luckily for her, it wasn't a very big walker. It was bigger than her, certainly, but it wasn't too heavy.

As Rosie pushed the walker up by its shoulders, she managed to bend her knees up in order to start pushing on the walker's abdomen with her feet. She struggled with the walker for quite some time, unable to kill it without any weapons. After what felt like forever of wrestling with this walker, Rosie managed to shove the thing off of her using both her arms and legs. Once Rosie was free, she shot up to her feet and started running. She wasn't sure where she was running to, but she knew she had to get away from that walker, so she just ran.

Without even thinking about what might happen, Rosie ran out into a road, because there was a lot less to block her view of her surroundings out on the road compared to the forest. But as soon as she got out into the road and paused to take a breath, she heard a loud voice.

"Don't shoot! Don't shoot! That's a kid!" the loud voice shouted. It was Dwight's voice, Rosie was pretty sure. But whoever's voice it was didn't seem to matter to the person he was yelling at, because they pulled the trigger anyway. Suddenly, there was a sharp, agonizing pain in Rosie's right shoulder. In both pain and shock, Rosie looked back at them. It was Dwight and a few other Saviors, standing around in the road. Dwight was yelling, yelling, yelling at one of them, but the other two were just looking around, panicked and unsure of what to do. Panicked and unsure of what to do herself, Rosie just kept running.

During all this running, Rosie thought about Donnie. She thought about Donnie because Donnie was shot in the arm. Donnie was shot in the arm and Rosie thought he was a baby for how much he was complaining. But now she understood. She understood because god damn this hurt so bad. her left hand went up to her right shoulder, squeezing tight as if it would ease the firey pain, but it didn't. It only soaked her hand with blood.

Rosie ran until she couldn't anymore. She couldn't breathe, she couldn't think, she couldn't do anything. "It's ok, it's ok, it's ok," she kept whispering to herself. But now she didn't just feel not ok on the inside, she felt not ok everywhere.

Finding herself in some sort of downtown area with lots of abandoned shops and buildings, Rosie stumbled into one of them, closing the door behind her. It seemed to be some sort of decaying apartment or something like that. It had a few old tables and chairs, and, much to Rosie's luck, a few dirty mattresses. Rosie managed to get herself over to one of the mattresses and lay down on it before passing out, still squeezing tight on her shoulder. She didn't want to die yet.

The original reason for the Saviors' outing was to start heading to Hilltop. But when Dwight came back to the Sanctuary with a few other Saviors, anxiously gnawing on his thumbnail as he admitted to Negan that one of the Saviors had shot Rosie and they didn't know where she ran off to, plans changed. Once the Savior who had shot the little girl was dead, they all piled into their vehicles and made their way into the town that Dwight had said she was running towards.

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