Yet Asahi was able to hear that clearly. He took out a gun and shoot on their thighs first, making them screaming out their lungs. "Sir! We're sorry!" Joo placed a palm on his thigh trying to stop the bleeding, but ineffectual, blood still gushing out. "It was all his idea!" Park blamed Joo who's only beside him.

He yanked Joo's hair, his neck snapped back as Asahi placed the gun's hollow inside his mouth. "Hyeonsoo, look." The girl slowly lift her head up to the scene. "This is what I do to people who disobey me, mostly who thinks they're better than me." The grip on his hair tighten. "Touching what's mine make it count either." Joo shook his head terrifyingly. Soon enough the basement was filled with a gunshot.

The heir pushed the corpse before went to Park who'd pissed himself off. "What a pussy wanting a pussy aren't you before this?" He laughed madly at the shrink sight of Park. "Asahi.." Hyeonsoo called him gently made somewhere in his heart set off. In this short amount of time, how can he feel so attached to her? Though, he had still denied the thought of having a small crush on her.

He looked at her with sharp eyes looking forward on what she will say. One second, two second and the silence remained for too long. She didn't know what to spit out, she was just trying to call his name for the first time. "Get her to my room." Jaehyuk nodded leaving Asahi with Park who's scared to death.

Jaehyuk walked her to Asahi's room and sit her down on the edge of his bed. Her eyes observing the tantalizing decoration of the room. The chandelier that tangled down brightly with the golden colored sofa paired with the black wall. Luxurious, that's what she thought.

He came out of the wardrobe room before handling her a shirt with a pants. "This is the smallest size I could get you. Go take a shower, you need rest." He nodded to the bathroom section. Hyeonsoo beamed quietly, muttering thank you to him who left after that.

Hyeonsoo rubbed herself with the soap continuously, feeling disgusted to herself after being harassed by some perverted raccoons. Her tears synchronized with the shower that fell on her skin, crying to herself what did she did wrong and why she have to experience all of this. When she's done, she changed into the pair of clothes that Jaehyuk gave her and stared into the mirror opposite her. Looking at her still redden cheek, her inner gums were swollen from the blast slap.

Her long cut that Haesoo treated earlier was bleeding again. The bathroom door creaked opened, surprising her as Asahi walks in with the blood's splattered across his shirt, don't even know what happened to the last man. "You take too long, sweets." He commented washing his hands as the sink filled with the red stains. He then took off his shirt placing it on the dirty clothes laundry basket casually in front of her. He walked out of the room, grabbing another piece of clean shirt to wear. "Come out."

It takes her a few minutes to gain conscious and obeyed his words. The looks of him shooting Joo through his throat still replaying in her mind, the sound of begging, gunshots were still fresh. Hyeonsoo saw another man by the corner of the room with his medic kit sitting on the sofa, he had his headband on top of his hair gesturing her to come by his side. Hyunsuk sighed to himself as he rubbed some ointment of her left arm, he told her to held the icepack on her swollen cheek.

"I'm sorry that this happened to you." He said almost whispering still dabbing the ointment on her wound before placing a new bandage. She gazed at him slowly. It wasn't the man who saved her earlier. Asahi only leaned his back on the table looking at her. After Hyunsuk is done, he went out leaving the two alone. "Hyeonsoo." He called sitting beside her who's still petrified on the sofa. "Will you stay if I asked you to?"

The sudden question made the girl hurled her eyebrows. What's with this guy? The non-stop flipping emotions, from scary to soft, from demanding to devil. What exactly that he wants?

"What?" He stared into her orbs, confidently, intensely not breaking it. His arm crossed on his chest, head leaned back. "Nothing you're just ugly." Okay now what? Hyeonsoo rolled her eyes. "Says the one who calls me sweets." Did he? Asahi thought in his mind, he never realize his words before.

The conversation was cut off when the siren abruptly echoed in the whole house causing Asahi to spring up from his position. "Just stay here. I'll go check out." He demanded before going out of the room, Hyeonsoo checked out from the window and saw the troops of cops trying to get inside.

She quickly grabbed the torchlight by the table and blink it a few times, the special force team saw it and immediately went ahead. The shattered of glasses came to Asahi's ear making him run back to his room, only to see the policewomen already on run with the special force team.

He rushed outside but it was too late to catch her up. "Did she managed to escape?" Jeongwoo panted beside him as well as the members who witness the cars get out of the mansion's area. Asahi punched the nearest wall, he slightly thought he gained her trust. He cursed in his mind.

She left him without an answer moreover, a proper goodbye.

[5] NARCISSUS : CHASEWhere stories live. Discover now