Chapter 19 ~ out on bail ~

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Man had taken Noel back home after the incident in the office, they would go back another time to complete his official statement and because of Mina's excellent if expensive investigative work they discovered that not only was Passaranoot guilty of murdering both of Noels parent's but he had risen up the ranks by killing many others and stealing their wealth using all the alias names he had garnered from the computer game all those years ago.

His real name was Renpassaroot and he was going to go to prison for the rest of his life, Man would make sure of it. Man took a few day's off to be with Noel and it wasn't easy. Noel had just found out that the man who had killed his mother had also killed his father and it was a lot to take in.

He couldn't remember his dad so he wasn't grieving in a normal sense but he grieved for the loss of a parent he would never know. Noel had been shaken to the core and it would take time for Man to get his precious baby back but he would remain by his side offering his love and support regardless.

The following Monday, Man had gone back in to the office, it had been hard leaving Noel but he had assured him he would be ok. Renpassaroot was behind bars and Noel felt safer than he had in years.

Man told him that he would turn on all the security while he wasn't there just to help Noel feel a little safer and he had instructed Noel to call him if he needed him for anything. Man sat at his desk writing up reports because there was very little to do since the Winchitathoom case was closed. 

The team seemed quiet just lately, it was as if Noels plight had touched them all in some form or other. Gunny seemed to have calmed down a bit and wasn't trying to constantly goad Lam, it was good, this was how it should be.

Man had his laptop beside him so he could see Noel every minute while he was away from him, he watched him doing a few household chores, making the bed, doing laundry, he was even out in the garden doing a bit of gardening, that was good, the fresh air would be good for him.

Man returned his attention to the report he was writing then he heard his pager beep. He had been called to Raskorn's office, shia, what had he done wrong now! He flipped down his laptop screen and saved the work on his computer before heading towards Raskorn's office.

He smiled at the assistant who didn't even try to stop him, she just waved him through.

"you wanted to see me Director?"

"yes Man, you better sit down" Raskorn said.

"why, what's up?" Man asked him, he didn't like the sound of this.

Meanwhile across the city, Noel was in the garden pulling weeds, the sun was shining and he felt better than he had in weeks. He stood up to throw the weeds away when he heard a thud behind him, turning around he saw Renpassaroot on the ground after jumping over the fence.

"we meet again Noel" he said.

Noel looked around him for an escape route but there was none, the only chance he had was getting back inside the house.

"did you really think you could hide from me? even if I go down I'm taking you with me, you've made me lose everything you little shit" he spat at Noel.

Noel had become braver since the incident and he spoke calmly to the intruder,

"on the contrary, I think they were on to you before I even met Man and the team" Noel replied.

"listen to you, you think you're all that now don't you" he said as he approached the boy.

Noel ran to the front door and tapped in the code and as soon as it opened he got inside but Renpassaroot was on the other side pushing against the door as he was trying to close it, it was a battle of strength and Noel was tiring quickly.

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