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"Hanni!" Minji called out as she walked faster to get to her car. "Wait up, baby! What the?"

When she finally caught up with her, she gripped her arm firmly but gently then spun her around to face her. "What's wrong?" She demanded, creasing her forehead.

"I'm going home, stay if you want to!" Hanni snarled at her, trying to free her arm from the other girl's hold. They were outside Yujin's house who was having a random house party on a Friday night. They were invited and both agreed to come but Hanni suddenly wanted to be everywhere but in there with Minji.

Her frown got deeper as she asked again, "Can you please tell me what's the problem babe?" It pissed her more because she looked like she was clueless as hell why she was mad at her.

"Don't play dumb with me, Minji!" Hanni yelled then pushed her chest, finally breaking free from her. She moved fast and got hold of the car's door handle when Minji's body slammed into her back. Her body was pressed against her car's door and she couldn't move since Minji's weight was pressing her down. "What the fuck-Minji?! Get off me!"

"No! We're going to talk and you're going to tell me what your problem is," she heard her say, her voice laced with anger and frustration. Which of course, only added fuel to her rage.

"And now you're yelling at me?!" She tried her best to push her body from the car but Minji was holding her up. She wanted to cry from the multiple layers of frustration she was feeling at the moment. "We're done! Go fuck with your new girl!"

That caught Minji off guard, causing her to step back in shock so she took the opportunity to turn around and gave her a headbutt.

"Oww! What the fuck Han!" She cried out in pain. Minji clutched her forehead as she fell to the ground.

She hurt her head as well, black spots started to dance around her vision but she stood her ground and shook her head to clear her eyesight. She glared down at Minji who was still nursing her head then she looked back at her. "Hah. Serves you right, jerk!"

"What was that for?"She asked as she tried to stand up, rubbing her forehead in the process. "And what the hell are you talking about? Whose girl are you talking about?" She demanded, confusion was written all over her face.

She noticed that the center of her forehead was red and starting to swell, her eyebrows are pulled together and she was looking at her like she had grown another head. She looked annoyingly adorable to her at the moment in spite of herself, that she almost forgot they were in the middle of a war. She snapped out of her stupor when she realized she was starting to let her guard down.

"Seriously? You're fucking denying it?" She challenged but when she saw her still frowning at her in confusion, she finally told her, "I heard you earlier talking to Yujin!"

"And?" She asked, raising her eyebrow.

"I heard you telling her about this whore you met in the second floor... What was her name? Cassie?!" She spat the name like it left a bad taste in her mouth. "Who was very sweet and friendly to you. You even told Yujin that she fucking licked your nose and showered kisses on your face!" She accused strongly, pointing a finger to her.

Then Hanni saw how her face morphed from one reaction to another: confusion, anger, shock, disgust then finally settled in amusement. Which made her confused because she had this silly expression on her face she was actually tempted to laugh at.

"Cassie?" She repeated the name as if to confirm that she heard her right. She could tell that she was trying hard to maintain a poker face but her eyes were dancing in amusement.

"Yes," She snapped, glowering at her. Her anger turning into a higher notch as she seemed like she was enjoying some inside joke all by herself and she was the subject. "What's so funny?!"

Then her lips started to curve a little upward, repressing a smile. "Han-"

"Don't you dare smile! I'm mad at you!" She yelled at her once more, frustrated because she was still mad at her but at the same time, she wanted to laugh at her face. She was still struggling to keep the poker face, frowning as she tried hard to stifle the smile that was slowly breaking out of her mouth. She looked like constipated. She bit her lip harder as she was also struggling to retain the hard look on her face but to no avail. "Dammit! Don't make me laugh!"

Then she finally smiled that slowly broke into a wide, dazzling, full-toothed, boyish grin that reached her expressive brown eyes. And she couldn't help but smile back. She suddenly felt those butterflies in her stomach as she gazed at her. She felt them the first time she had met her and they never went away ever since. She was uncontrollably grinning and giggling with her. Her smile was so contagious that any attempt of holding back was useless.

"Don't try and be so adorably cute! I'm still mad at you," she said, trying to suppress her laugh. But she knew that whatever the reason they were fighting had already been forgotten, she just couldn't stay mad at her especially when she was being so damn cute and irresistable like that. In fact, all she could actually think about was kissing her right now but she held herself.

She sighed in surrender as she started to step up to her, opening her arms as an invitation which she willingly accepted. She moved closer to her and letting the other girl wrap her arms around her, kissing her forehead. Then she winced. She realized there was also a bump in hers that started swelling like the one she had put on her forehead.

She heard Minji chuckle as she pressed her lips on her forehead again, more gently this time. "Your fault Han, see what jealousy can do. Look at us we both got a bump on our foreheads," she teased. She just shook head lightly in embarrassment then closed her eyes as she hugged her back, inhaling her scent that had been always her source of comfort and feeling the warmth radiating from her body. All the yelling and pushing just exhausted the both of them.

Even at times like this, Minji was still the only one who could make her feel safe and secure. And despite all their bickering and fights, she would never get tired of her because she was worth all of it. Especially when she would hold her like the way she was holding her right now. She suddenly wondered if she would ever let her go.

She just squeezed her tighter before she said, "Cassie is just Yujin's dog, okay?"

Hanni felt her chuckle and she felt so ashamed of herself for picking a fight with Minji. She couldn't even feel more guilty that she accused her of hooking up with someone. They both knew that Minji would never cheat on her; jealousy just ate her up.

She kept her head buried to her chest and she breathed,

"I'm sorry, baby." Hanni just hoped that Minji could feel she was sincere and regretful because she really was.

Minji then planted a soft kiss on the top of her head,

pulling her closer as much as possible. "I know."

"I love you.." She whispered, placing a light kiss on her neck.

"I love you too," she responded as softly. Her hand reached for her chin and tilted it up so she could look at her, she then slowly leaned down, closed her eyes and kissed her sweetly.

And just like that, they made up. And the butterflies were back inside her stomach, dancing and rejoicing as they kissed, not really wondering at all why they never went away.

She knew the butterflies would always be there because no matter how many fights they had, she would always be in love with her.

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