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      The hours passed slow, your stops at gas stations for switching drivers the only reprieve. From the moment you all crossed state lines into North Carolina, a sickening feeling settled in your stomach and wouldn't leave. You couldn't help but remember this was exactly where Evan had left you to go, where it all came apart. You wondered about Amelia-- if she ever found out, what her reaction might've been, and where she was now. Your head lightly rattled against the window it leaned against as you guys drove on, billboards and trees flying past in a blur. You allowed yourself a sneaky look over at Evan, who was laying on his bed, eyes closed and earbuds in. He looked so at peace with his hands clasped over his stomach and ankles crossed, and you suddenly got the feeling you could cry right there. You wondered if he dreamt of you for years afterward too, or if he sometimes unblocked you to check on you. You wished so much to know what he thought when he found out you moved, when he first saw you again a few days ago, and what was going through his mind while he confessed his feelings for you shortly after. At some point during your pondering, you drifted accidentally into sleep.


      You woke to a gentle but quick rubbing over your shoulder, and swore you could make out the word babe being whispered before Evan's face finally came into focus. You realized first that you guys were stopped, and second that you'd been sleeping with your mouth open; you snapped it shut immediately, and sat up in confusion.

   "Did you just call me babe?" was the first thing you said.

   A smile appeared on his face and he said as if it were obvious, "Well, yeah. You said I had a pass."

   You straightened and smoothed out your clothes when you stood, "Not an all-day pass, what do you think this is an amusement park?"

   "I'm pretty amused," he replied, gesturing to himself with a smart-ass expression.

   You nudged his side with your elbow while fighting off a smile, and looked around outside of the window, "Is this it, we're in Georgia?"

   "Yup," he looked toward the back of the bus. "Dante and them are saying hi to their wedding people before we get all our stuff brought in."

   "The maid of honor and best man?" you asked as you two exited the RV. Evan nodded and followed close behind you.

   "Jaxon and Lea," he informed you as the two of you neared the grand stair case that led to the even grander house. "Lea looks so much like Arya it's crazy."

   You exhaled a breath of a laugh from your nose, and stopped a second to look up at the AirBNB. It was a faded peach color -- which you found fitting considering what state you were in -- and had numerous floor-to-ceiling, ultra-luxe windows that you were sure would provide quite the view. The entire perimeter of the house was littered with chicory bushes that were attracting tiny white butterflies. The top of the staircase led to a half wrap-around porch that was decorated in wooden end tables with knick knacks, large potted plants, and long dangling wind chimes. You mouthed a Wow mostly to yourself as you both entered the front double doors: there was a narrow hallway first that split off to the left and directly ahead. Down the left led to the marble floored enormous kitchen, a light dangling over the island in the middle. If you went down the straight-ahead hall, it led to another staircase that would take you upstairs.

   "Huge, right?" Evan commented at you, still at your side.

   "Yeah, Jesus," you muttered, still looking around. "How much was this do you think?"

   He looked around cautiously with tight lips, then said, "Dante said 2.5k a night."

   "A night!" you shouted, then slapped your hands over your mouth.

   Evan thought this was hilarious and laughed as quietly as possible, then said, "Yes, but we are only here for two nights."

   "That's still five thousand dollars," you replied, suddenly reminded again that you were now jobless. Being a successful software developer, that was probably pocket change to Evan.

   "This is a million dollar house," he shrugged, and put a foot on the stairs to head up. "Arya's family has it like that I guess. You coming?"

   You looked around, only hearing faint voices of the rest of the group but not seeing them. He noticed your apprehension, and his shoulders dropped, "Come on ba--"
You turned your head to side eye him with your brows raised. He got an up-to-no-good smile, "I was gonna say that platonically, of course."

   "Of course," you shook your head. 

   Was going upstairs with your ex alone a good idea? No, probably not. But was there a very persuasive little devil on your shoulder urging you to follow him, making your hope equal to your fear that something would happen between you two? Absolutely.

   You caught up to Evan at once, and he flashed a triumphant smirk at you and turned to lead you upstairs. It felt like you two were preteens again, doing something mostly innocent that you weren't supposed to, the moment just your little secret. You guys snooped around up there, peaking into each bedroom and mentally claiming which ones you wanted. There were four total: one had a queen size bed with an in suite full bathroom, another had a king size bed with the same full bathroom, and bedrooms 3 and 4 shared same entrance, but inside was a door to separate the spaces. You assumed this room would go to the engaged couple and their main wedding party duo, and the other two separated bedrooms would be Evan and Sid, and you and Sabrina. How you just loved sharing a bed with that girl.

   "Having fun?" an unfamiliar voice spoke behind you, and Evan's hand seemingly instinctively rose to rest on your lower back protectively. You both turned to see a man who closely resembled Dante, only a few shades darker and a good 3-4 inches taller. He noticed your realization that he was the best man and Dante's half-brother, Jaxon. "You must be Evan and Y/N." He extended a hand for one of you to shake, and you let Evan take it after he removed his own hand from your back.

   "Yeah, sorry, we didn't mean to be rude being nosy up here," you expressed nervously.

   "Nah you're good, I couldn't believe the size of this bitch either," he noted, shaking his head while looking all around the spacious room.

   This got a laugh out of Evan and you, and the three of you talked about the insane size and price of the luxurious house as you descended the stair case to join the others; you didn't say anything when Evan's fingers purposely and repeatedly brushed yours on the way down.

   The moment you saw Lea, you had to do a double take between her and Arya. You looked to Evan with wide eyes, and he was already nodding his head at you as if saying I know, right? You could've easily been convinced they were at least fraternal twins, even though you knew they were only cousins. It seemed Jaxon and Lea had already been introduced to everyone but Evan and you, so Dante and Arya took a moment to do the same for you guys. You all exchanged pleasantries, made a few comments about being blown away by the house, and then the happy couple told you all after getting your bags inside you'd be venturing out into Savannah for a bit of freestyle sight-seeing and shopping around.

   Despite putting up a fight -- granted, it was rather weak -- nothing you said stopped Evan from bringing your bags into the house for you. You rolled your eyes fondly at his insistent chivalry, noticing your will to keep away from him was fading faster by the hour.

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