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      For the remainder of June of 2015, you and Evan went out at least once a week. You guys often included Dante, and even Sid once. In July, you got a job at a local ice cream shop and saved every cent you earned. Evan however couldn't get such an "easy, insignificant job" as his parents had so graciously put it. They were really putting the pressure on him to get a "real" job, shading you a little more each time the subject came up. You blamed their disapproval of you for your getting to see Evan less and less, and convinced yourself that he was just extremely stressed and busy.

   But something had shifted.

   You soon felt like Sid had replaced you in the trio, and you tried not to harbor any resentment for him. Drew told you that guys just need 'guy time' here and there, and since you'd been Evan's world up until you guys graduated, he was probably just building other healthy relationships. It was an internal struggle to not get hung up on worrying what was just guys hanging out versus them purposely excluding you. But your relationship with him wasn't the only thing you had to worry about.

   You wanted to be some sort of teacher, but had no clue how to go about it. You knew your mother didn't have nearly enough for you to even inquire about college, and even if she did, that sounded like hell. She herself was starting to be a source of stress for you: no matter how much you pressed her about it, she insisted that her constant visits to the doctor were just routine, or just for migraines, or just, just, just...
   The same day you'd accidentally walked in the bathroom to her with a chunk of her hair in her hand, Evan called you for the first time in nearly two weeks. It was around 8pm, you were in your room organizing your jewelry when his set ringtone caught your attention. You excitedly answered after only one and a half rings.

   "Hi," you hoped he could hear your smile through the phone.

   "Hey," he responded, not quite matching your enthusiasm. It was tiny jab at your heart that you ignored. "So, I have some news."

   "Lay it on me," you tried to keep an upbeat tone hoping he'd match it.

   "I'm gonna be going back to school," he told you, and that alone was enough to send your anxiety soaring, but what he said next jerked your world to a paralyzing halt. "Eight hours away."

   In that moment, you were so glad he couldn't see you. You reached for the edge of your bed to steady yourself before flopping clumsily down onto it. You knew you had to respond quickly if you were going to feign excitement.

   "W-Wow," was all you could manage. "Where?"

   "Fayetteville, North Carolina." His indifference was a whole 'nother sting.

   "That--," you swallowed the lump in your throat. "That's awesome Evan."

   "I know that stresses you out," he pointed out, and you were so glad he noticed, you could've burst into tears. "But try not to let it. I know we can handle the distance. I'll come home often, I don't mind a long drive."

   His reassurance was a small and short-lived comfort. The word distance hung over your head, threatening everything familiar and precious to you.

   "Okay," you agreed half-heartedly. "I trust you."

   "Good," he still sounded detached, but you told yourself that you were just looking too deeply into things again. "We should go out this week, I miss my girl."

   "Yeah, just let me know when," nausea was brewing in your belly as you guys wrapped up the call. "Evan?"

   He paused, "Yeah?"

   "I love you," you cautioned.

   Finally, you heard a hint of a smile in his voice, "And I you."

   When the call ended, it took all your willpower to not spew the contents of your stomach from nerves. There was no denying that this was it for you two. You knew this would inescapably be why you two went your separate ways, and you suspected he did too. You'd thought maybe if you ignored the highly likely scenario of your breakup, that it might not happen: maybe you'd be the high school sweethearts that made it. But the decision for him to live eight hours away for four years was without a doubt the nail in your coffin. You soon learned that he'd be packing up and heading out in September, leaving you with only two months to get ready for two painful goodbyes.

present day
      The color drained from Drew's face just as it had yours when you told her the situation you'd soon be in. Her and Raelynn both had a hundred questions each, and once they were satisfied, began their false promises of how it'd be totally fine and bearable-- they didn't even believe themselves, but you went with it. Rae came closer to convincing you, having reminded you that it was basically a free vacation and you'd see some cool things with one of your closest friends.

   By the end of the night, you felt a bit more confident about the whole thing. Later, you fell asleep snug in the familiar bedroom where your bags were, wondering who else might be at the wedding that you'd know.


      Two blocks from Dante and Arya's place, you'd forgotten all the reassurance from last night, and your heart was simultaneously in your stomach and your throat.

   "How do you feel?" Drew asked from the driver's seat. She and Ben shared a car-- a black 2020 suburban. The interior was mostly beige leather, and the Black Ice little tree that dangled from the rearview mirror filled the car with a potent fragrance.

   "I mean, not great," you answered truthfully, nervously tapping your thumbs on the tops of your knees. "Like, how am I supposed to act? Should I say hi and act totally over it, should I be petty...?"

   "My heart says you should be petty, but my brain says ignore him completely." She thought for a moment before adding, "Or maybe just match whatever energy he gives you."

   "Right," you replied uncommittedly.

   "Is this it?" she slowed the car then came to a stop in front of a medium size standalone house with pastel yellow siding and a chain link fence.

   You nodded and blinked over at it, then inhaled in an attempt to calm yourself. It was no use, though. Your hands shook as you undid your seatbelt and reached for the door's inside handle. You checked your hair and makeup one last time in the mirror, wondering if flat ironing your hair and the minimal combo of mascara and concealer were the best options you could've gone with. Drew offered you a one armed hug, wished you luck and pushed the button to lift the back door so you could grab your bags. Once you had both of them, you slammed the door shut and sent her off with a thumbs up through the back window. When you turned to face the house again, the door was already opening.

   "Ayyye look who it is," Dante beamed from the door way.

   You rolled your eyes and smiled back as he approached to help you with your bags. You were aware with every step you took that you were potentially getting closer and closer to Evan, assuming he was already inside. Since the moment you knew he was in the wedding party too and that you'd be seeing him again, you told yourself you'd do your best to seem unbothered. You'd try not to to even look at him unless it was necessary.

   There was no necessity, your body acted without permission: the second you were in the house, you were scanning the room for him.

   Time stopped when your eyes met.

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