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She was stiff hearing his words who was looking at her while clenching and unclenching his jaw. She wasn't expecting that at all. She didn't know whether she should laugh or cry on the fact that someone after spending just few hours with her came to a conclusion that she was a lesbian.

 First shocked surged through her form, then embarrassment and then anger as she tightened her nails around her fingers. 

 "No I am not. Are you gay?" She asked with a sour smile invading her lips. How could he ask such a personal question like that. It's okay if he was boss but still he didn't have any right to ask her this. It was obvious she wasn't a lesbian but now she started wondering what was it that made him to think like that.

 Azhan expressions got relaxed at her first sentence followed by the same series of expression through which just Anna passed through. 

 "W-what!" He said as he took one step closer but still there was enough distance between them. 

"I am the one who you saw knocking out some girl on your first day." He said as both were glaring at each other.

 "Oh! Yeah I remember. Sorry sir by seeing you I thought... nevermind why do you think I am lesbian?" A soothing satisfaction showered on Anna as she replied smirking inwardly. The face of big fat mafia man was worth seeing.

 "You just said downstairs that you don't have interest in boys..." He was saying but realized suddenly.

Why in the world he was explaining her?

"...Why didn't you ask me before going to lunch hn? Have you done those email ? Go do your work and you still don't know who I am so keep a distance or if you have any doubt go ask your colleagues what I do to them who show negligence." Last words were spoken with the dark expression in his grey orbs, turning back into the man Anna was feared of. Anna nodded her head as she turned around when a man entered in his office.

 "Sir we have found that man who planned to negotiate your sister..." The man was saying but the door closed and she couldn't hear more. Most probably the man was talking about Aliha. She was his sister but it seemed like they never talked to each other then why he was investigating about her. 

She shook her head as it was a mafia family not a normal family like her. Anything was expected from them. She was good at writing that's why the email got done early. She was taking the laptop to show the big fat mafia man so that she could proceed further. 

 "Oh you are still here?" She heard gasps when she looked everyone with she was doing lunch earlier were standing outside her office. Most probably coming towards her.

 "Yeah! I am here because I am secretary of this big fat mafia man. And why I am his secretary because God wants to test my patience." She said as she was getting pissed off. She never remained outside this late. She wanted the warmth of her house while teasing her aunt, her favorite job.

 "No actually he never bear a bit if negligence and he was looking like he would fire you." Amna said.

 " We even found a man with no hands and legs the next day when he did something wrong with his confidential files." Nazim said making the laptop to get suddenly heavy for her to hold. 

 "Then why you guys are working here?" She asked as they replied.

 " We are working because it's one of the upper multinational companies and we are fine unless we don't do anything horrible to think we are betraying him or becoming a cause for company's loss." Rose said in her professional tone as she sighed. They were loyal to their boss no matter what sinful deeds he did.

 "Sir I have done..." She entered the office only to find no one their. He went without telling her.

 "Here I am doing all the work and this big fat man have gone without telling me. I am his fudge cake secretary." 

 " Who is big fat man?" Her tongue halted when she heard someone's familiar voice behind her. She gulped as she slowly turned around only to find Ibrahim smiling at her. He most probably heard what she was saying. 

"Don't worry I won't tell that big fat man that someone is calling him big fat man." He said in reassuring way as she was flushed did not know what to say. 

 "Um...that would be very great of you." Anna said as she closed the laptop.

 "When he would come back? I have to show something to him?" She asked hesitantly. Ibrahim was an intimidating man. Anyone could get hesitant before him. But his charming smile was enough to relax the other person.

 "He won't come back soon. So you can take off. But it's late so come I would drop you." He stated. 

 " No." Anna thought for a second. He could get angry like he did when she went for lunch. She shouldn't take that risk. 

" No thanks but I have work to do so excuse me." She said and walked past him. He greeted her goodbye and went towards the lift. Anna was doing the proofread for the tenth time as her lids became heavy. 

She rested her head down as darkness consumed her. She felt she closed her eyes for a moment when she felt cold touch on her ears. 

"You are like a sin for me. A mortal sin."                                                                                                                         

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