Bill doesn't say anything he's just quiet.

"Fine, where's Rose." I look directly at Bill.

Bill crosses his arm and his face looks sad.

"Lilly quit! Nothing happened it's fine stop talking about it, matter of a fact I need to talk to you." Tom quickly walks over to me and grabs my wrist, and pulls me into the nearest bathroom.

"Lilly what is your problem!" Tom isn't trying to yell.

"You guys are all being weird!" I yell back and me and Tom go back and forth like I was with the other two earlier.

I get so angry I can't understand why none of them will tell me, it can't be that bad.

"If you don't tell me Tom I'm going to ask Bill and he will tell me!"

"You're not going to, stop yelling." Tom takes a deep breath and lowers his voice.

"No, bye." I unlock the door to the bathroom and I walk out to Bill, he's standing at the top of the stairs and I'm at the bottom of them.

"Bill, me and you are going to talk right now!" I yell to him running up the stairs.

Tom follows both of us up the stairs.

"Lilly what did I just ask—" Tom grabs my shoulder making me turn around, but I interrupt him.

"No Tom I told you what I was gonna do. Bill talk to me." I look at Bill basically pleading for an answer at this point.

"Lilly you know I love you but I don't have the heart to talk about it right now." Bill sighs and just looks at me.

"Did you do something?" I look at him confused with my eyebrows furrowed.

"I didn't do it, it was more of a bad assumption made and then things were taken the wrong way, so she left yet she doesn't even know where she's going." Bill looks as if he wants to cry.

"Okay... I'll go get her and you guys get ready for your concert, it's only the afternoon so you'll be here when I get back." I look at Tom, "Give me your keys."

He tosses me his keys and I run down the stairs and outside. I start up his car and I don't even get a mile away from there house and Rose is outside on a bench with her face into her hands, I illegally park on the side of the road and get out of the car approaching her.


She looks up at me with her glasses in hand, she's been crying.

"What's going on?" I say to her sitting next to her.

She's stumbling on her words and talking fast, "D— Did I ruin everything?"

"What do you mean? What happened Rose?" I give her a side hug and she tells me everything.

"Oh Rose. You didn't ruin anything it was all a misunderstanding, let's get back to the house." I stand up and she also stands up. She's so tall.

We drive home and as soon as we walk in the door Bill is there and pulls her into the biggest hug ever.

Tom just looks at me.

"So they get to have a cute moment hug and I get stared at by my own boyfriend?" I pretend to be so hurt and walk over to Gustav and Georg giving them a hug, clearly joking with Tom.

He doesn't laugh, smile or anything. He goes to his room looking upset.

I walk up the stairs and into Toms room, he's getting ready in his bathroom so I close his door and go to his bathroom, "Tom?"

"What?" He says back with a cold tone.

"What's wrong?" I say putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Why don't you listen to me sometimes? And you yell at me." Tom looks down at me upset.

I wasn't aware that he was taking it to heart that much. I feel like a dick now.

"I'm sorry I was mad which is no excuse but I fixed their problem!" I say in a pleading way.

"I know but can we tone it down with the yelling? I hate to argue with you." Tom pulls me into a hug and all of a sudden I feel happy again.

"Now go get ready." Tom smiles at me and gives me a kiss before sending me out of his bathroom.

For this concert I think I'm gonna wear low rise shorts with a belt that has a 'T' in silver on the front and a crop top tank top, my favorite kinds of tops. This top was a very very light pink color that had the Tokio Hotel logo in the middle, I wanna be Toms biggest fan.

I had gotten my hair done a week back getting my hair lightened. I had dirty blonde wavy hair with curtain bangs and Tom loved it.

I put on a pair of white nike shoes to match the shoes that Tom was wearing, the outfit he was wearing was an all white outfit and I loved it.

After a while it was 3pm and we needed to be at the stage area by 5. We all got into their 'tour bus' that they really just used to travel everywhere.

We arrived to the area and Rose and I got front row, which was expected. We were both dressed in a similar top except her crop tank top was black with a white Tokio Hotel logo.

"You look good!" I compliment Rose.

"Thanks Lilly! You look even better." She winks down at me, why is she kinda hot.

I think Rose might just be my new best friend.

Then the concert starts.


Author Note: Guys, next chapter is the last chapter. Are you excited? I don't think I'll upload it until tomorrow so be ready!

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