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Yunjin sat there watching Chaewon chew on the end of her pencil as she went over the notes from class. Something was different but she wasn't sure what. It was weird.

It was something about Chaewon that was different. Yunjin knew that much. But, she was still acting like Chaewon. Snarky, sarcastic, flirty, the usual. Same smirk, same eye roll, same complete lack of people skills or ability to care about it. But something was different.

"Like the view, sweetheart?"

Yunjin's eyes narrowed for a second before she looked away. It was the delivery. Or maybe the follow through? The flirty words were the same, but the way she said them was different. Almost like she was nervous. But that would be crazy.

"You're being weird." Yunjin said flatly, leaning her chin on her hand. 

They had been in the library for an hour now and her posture was suffering dramatically.  Her elbow rested on her knee, back slouched over and in another five minutes she probably wouldn't be wearing shoes anymore.

"What are you talking about?" Chaewon rolled her eyes before leaning back against the couch.

"See, right there." Yunjin sat up and pointed to her, "you weren't committed to that eye roll."

Chaewon raised an eyebrow, "are you complaining about the sincerity of my eye roll just now?" She was truly dumbfounded. Yunjin had a tendency to surprise her, but this was strange, even for her.

Yunjin realized she probably did seem crazy and pouted slightly before turning back to her book.

Chaewon worried her bottom lip between her teeth for a second. Apparently not being obvious about her crush wasn't as easy as she thought. She had finally accepted her feelings- but had no intention of doing anything about it.  Last time she opened herself up to the possibility.....

Let's just say it didn't end well.

She leaned forward and snatched the bag of gummy bears off the table and before Yunjin could protest, popped a green one in her mouth. 

At least that wasn't different, Yunjin thought to herself.

"Are you even paying attention?" Chaewon tossed another green gummy bear in her mouth.

"I'm trying." Yunjin slouched even further in her chair, "It's just easier when you give me examples."

Chaewon nodded as she chewed the gummy in her mouth, her eyes scanning the room slowly. "Alright." She pushed herself up off the couch and leaned over close to Yunjin as she walked by, "Pay attention."

Yunjin sat up and shifted in her chair to watch Chaewon. She made her way over to a table where another student had been studying alone and sat down across from him. The student looked up briefly before looking back down to his book.

Chaewon crossed her leg over her knee and threw her elbow up over the back of the chair, she turned and gave Yunjin a wink before turning back to the stranger and saying something.

Yunjin wasn't close enough to hear what was being said, but watched Chaewon carefully anyway. As soon as the dark haired girl had the boy's attention, she shifted her posture. She uncrossed her knee and put her elbows on the table in front of her. Yunjin still wasn't sure what she was doing but curiosity made her watch intently.

It took a minute before Yunjin saw it. Chaewon was mirroring the strangers movements. Not too obviously, but anytime he shifted his position in his chair, she did the same. He scratched his face, she copied. He smiled, she smiled. Pretty soon she would do her own movements and the boy ended up copying them back, just like she had.

Through the Lense (Purinz/Chaewon x Yunjin)Where stories live. Discover now