Pleasure Principle

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Two weeks. It's been two weeks since the universe played its greatest practical joke on Yunjin and made Kim Chaewon her tutor. Grumpy, abrasive, sarcastic, broody, apathetic, yet infuriatingly smart, Kim Chaewon.

"Are we really going to do this every time?" Yunjin huffed as she walked back to their usual meeting place in the library.

She had completely forgotten her usual polite entrance of clearing her throat and acting apologetic for interrupting whatever make out session was happening. But by now, she was done with it. And if she had to pretend to be anything other than completely annoyed at what she continuously walked in on, she might actually kill someone. Which would be bad. But, seriously. Did this have to happen every time they met up in the library? And where was she even finding these girls?

Chaewon pulled away from yet another 'study buddy' and smirked at Yunjin. She wiped her bottom lip with her thumb slowly, "Jealous, cupcake?"

Yunjin just rolled her eyes and dropped her backpack on the ground before dropping down into one of the chairs. She started pulling out her notes as Chaewon said her goodbyes. It was the same every time. Flirty smile, wink, squeeze of the ass, then they went on their way.

"Like I would be jealous of your nameless conquests, anyway." Yunjin finally commented as Chaewon sat back down on the couch, clearly pleased with herself.

"Nameless?" Chaewon raised an eyebrow, "What makes you think I don't know their names?"

Yunjin thought about it for a second, "Cause you have a tendency to call people by sugary substances."

"Only you, sweetie." Chaewon smirked before opening up her own backpack and pulling out a notebook covered with more doodles than actual notes.

"Right." Yunjin scoffed, setting her elbow on her knee and leaning her chin into the palm of her hand as she looked over the notes in front of her.

"Minju, Yuri, Megan.."

Yunjin looked up, confused until it dawned on her what Chaewon was doing.

Chaewon flipped through her notebook, continuing her list lazily, "Yuri. Mmm, Yuri. I should text her—"

"Alright, I get it." Yunjin groaned. She watched her for a minute as she realized Chaewon was right. As much as Yunjin hated the nicknames Chaewon gave her, and the fact that she had never once called her Yunjin in the short time they had known each other, she had to admit she hadn't heard her use the nicknames with anyone else. At least not of the dessert variety. "So why give me stupid nicknames then?"

Chaewon just shrugged without looking up, "Cause I know it annoys you."

Yunjin bunched up her face in annoyance and glared at Chaewon silently.

The lack of response caused Chaewon to glance up and her bored expression shifted to a smirk almost immediately, "And that bunched up little face you make when you're angry is hilarious, buttercup." Chaewon chuckled and grabbed a pen from her bag and started doodling swirls on her current page.


"Ok, wait." Yunjin tapped the end of her pen against her chin as she narrowed her eyes, clearly thinking hard about what Chaewon had just said. "Say that again, but, in english."

Chaewon rolled her eyes, "It's really not that complicated." She leaned forward, pointing to a paragraph in Yunjin's Psychology textbook. "Classical psychoanalysis conceives of a struggle between the pleasure principle and the reality principle." She looked up at Yunjin who clearly had no idea what she was saying, "So we are talking about motivations that come from instinctive impulses, versus motivations fueled by self-esteem, or ego."

Through the Lense (Purinz/Chaewon x Yunjin)Where stories live. Discover now