His Brother's Royal Wedding: Adore

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Today was the day. Cello and Gabriel were getting married. Adam was a mess as he frantically searched for his brother. Kayn and Adam were able to get information from one of the knights. Lucky had run off towards town and Ling chased after him, then Cello ran off in that direction with Gabriel close on his heels. Now here they were, searching for three men and a dog without an inkling as to what was going on.

You're making it so easy for me to fall for you. Kayn's words continued to repeat in Adam's head since the man said them to him. He hadn't said more than two words to Kayn since and he felt bad about it. Kayn didn't deserve Adam giving him the cold shoulder, but he wasn't sure what he could say. He remembered the conversation he had with Cello.

"What's the dog look like again?" Kayn asked Adam.

"He's a brown and white border collie," Adam answered, "with golden eyes."

"We still have just a little bit more sunlight," Kayn said. "He shouldn't be too hard to find." As they got closer to town, they saw everyone out and about celebrating the future marriage of Gabriel and Cello. People were everywhere laughing, dancing, singing, and playing music.

"What were you saying about it not being too hard to find him?" Adam asked sarcastically.

"Oh hush," Kayn said, grabbing Adam's hand. "Let's go!" Adam immediately felt that electric shock again when their hands touch. He couldn't deny his feelings about Kayn but deep down he still felt... wrong. They made it to an alleyway and began looking in crates and barrels for the dog. Somehow Kayn always found himself in close proximity to Adam as he searched. Too close.

"Um..." Adam finally said as he noticed things becoming a little too tense for him.

"Are you finally going to talk to me about what I said?" Kayn asked Adam as he continued to distance himself from him.

"What did you say?" Adam asked, feigning ignorance.

"Stop feigning ignorance, Adam," Kayn rolled his eyes. "You know what. And you've been giving me the cold shoulder ever since. Do you know how that feels?"

"I..." Adam trailed off.

"I was being sincere when I told you I was falling for you," Kayn explained. "That didn't mean that I wanted to get married to you right then and there. You didn't even need to reciprocate my feelings, but I at least expected you to be a gentleman and talk with me about it."

"Kayn..." Adam tried to defend himself.

"No, you don't need to defend yourself," Kayn sighed. "I know that I have been a little persistent, but I was only doing it so you'd finally tell me how you feel." Adam said nothing.

"Just forget about it," Kayn shook his head in defeat. "I'll go look down that alley. Give you some time to think. You don't need me pressuring you any more than I already am." Adam sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. He was being completely unfair to Kayn.

"I didn't think I would need to intervene, but you're making this so difficult, Adam!" A voice called out.

"Who said that?" Adam called out, knowing that he was in that alley by himself. Twinkles and sparkles occupied the space he was in until a gorgeous woman appeared out of thin air.

"Witch!" Adam screamed and cowered underneath an abandoned wooden cart.

"What did you just call me?" Fairy Drag Mother was offended.

"Witch!" Adam screeched again.

"Well, I have never!" Fairy Drag Mother spoke, clutching the pearls around her neck.

"Stay away!" Adam began to tremble.

"Adam, I am not gonna hurt you," Fairy Drag Mother sighed, bending down to look at Adam in a fetal position underneath the car. "Are you really gonna make me come under there?" Adam said nothing. Fairy Drag Mother groaned as she got on her hands and knees, crawled down underneath the cart, and plopped down next to Adam.

"See, Adam?" Fairy Drag Mother tried to get his attention. "I'm not dangerous." Adam quickly looked at her then turned his head away. She didn't seem too scary, but she did pop up out of nowhere. The aura she exuded was beginning to calm him down. She smelled like a warm childhood memory, of springtime, when Cello's mother was still alive.

"Who are you?" Adam finally whispered to her.

"I'm Cello's Fairy Drag Mother," she whispered back.

"Cello?" Adam's body completely relaxed when she mentioned his brother.

"Mhm," Fairy Drag Mother confirmed.

"What's a fairy drag mother?" Adam asked.

"Someone here to help you," she answered. "Why aren't you going after that man? He's practically throwing himself at your feet and you're pushing him away. What are you so afraid of?"

"I don't know!" Adam exclaimed. "I just..."

"You don't think you deserve to be happy?" Fairy Drag Mother asked. Adam shook his head. "Does this have to do with how you treated Cello?"

"That and more," Adam agreed. "I had the power to stop my father from the very beginning, but I did nothing."

"Adam, you were only a child," she told him. "Your father is to blame, not you."

"At the start of it all, sure, but as I got older I still did nothing." Adam sighed. "I treated him the worst."

"Has Cello forgiven you?" she asked.

"What?" Adam was shocked by her question.

"Has Cello forgiven you?" Fairy Drag Mother repeated.

"Well... yes, I believe so," Adam answered. He was sure of it as they were on speaking terms, Cello was affectionate towards him, and he even invited Adam to be in his wedding.

"Then why won't you forgive yourself?" she asked him.

"I don't... know," Adam sighed.

"Adam, you can't spend the rest of your life hating yourself for what you've done," Fairy Drag Mother explained. "Cello is moving past it, Gabriel is beginning to come around, and Kayn still loves you."

"But he doesn't know about my past," Adam admitted.

"I think Kayn is the type of person to not care about your past, Adam," she said. "What you are doing with your present and future is what matters. To all of them."

"You're right," Adam told her, wiping a hand over his face.

"I know," she giggled at Adam.

"Adam?" Kayn called out. "Where did you go?"

"Under here," Adam spoke up. He had turned to where Fairy Drag Mother was and saw that she somehow disappeared.

"What are you doing under there?" Kayn laughed at Adam when he ducked down underneath the cart.

"Feeling sorry for myself," Adam told him.

"Whatever for?" Kayn asked him as he crawled under the cart to sit next to Adam.

"For how I've been treating you, Kayn," Adam answered. "I'm so sorry. You didn't deserve any of it."

"No need to apologize," Kayn chuckled while bumping his shoulder against Adam's. "I'm just glad you're talking to me again." Adam turned to face Kayn, placing a hand on Kayn's cheek. Kayn leaned into his hand, closing his eyes and smiling. Adam pulled him closer and crashed his lips on Kayn's. Kayn was a little surprised with Adam's assertiveness, but he liked it just the same.

"Does this mean what I think it does?" Kayn asked, ending their kiss.

"I think... I think it does," Adam answered. "Kayn... I'm falling for you too."

"That makes me so happy, Adam," Kayn chuckled. He placed his forehead against Adam's and they closed their eyes, embracing the moment.

"I'm happy too," Adam confessed, "so very happy."

Violoncello: Love, Adore, and Cherish (A Gay Cinderella Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now