Lucky: A New Me

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Lucky was determined as he ran through the town with his turkey leg. He had to find the perfect spot as townspeople gasped and yelled at him as if he were a wild animal. He finally found a secluded alleyway and sat his turkey leg down. He howled up into the air and waited patiently.

Light twinkles began forming around him until they converged on the ground next to him. Suddenly, a beautiful brown-skinned figure in an angelic blue gown appeared in the light. Cello's Fairy Drag Mother stood before him. Lucky immediately began yapping and barking at her.

"Slow down, you goofball," She said as she tried making out what Lucky was attempting to say to her. He barked some more at her.

"You want to be human again?"

He barked again.

"For how long?"

Another bark.


He yapped this time.

"Are you sure?"

He barked twice.

"You won't ever be able to go back to being a dog again."

Lucky hesitated this time.

"This means having all of the privileges and responsibilities of being a human."

Lucky continued to think.

"You have to wear pants. All the time. Are you sure you want to give up being naked?"

Lucky finally barked once more while nudging the turkey leg in her direction.

"Honey, I do not want your half-eaten food, but I appreciate the gift nonetheless." She extended her hands out before her as she laughed. "Now, this will be a bit different than what I normally do, but since you're so insistent." Golden light immediately erupted from her hands and washed over Lucky's body. The light was warm, tingly, and extremely bright. Where a dog once sat a pale man with golden eyes, brown hair with white patches, and a huge grin on his face now stood.

"I'm human again!" Lucky cheered and began to jump in the air.

"What brought this about?" Fairy Drag Mother asked him. Lucky stopped jumping and turned to her.

"I think... I think I'm in love," Lucky said to her. She simply smiled warmly at Lucky while putting a hand over her heart.

"Well, I wish you the best, Lucky, but..." She trailed off as her eyes grew with worry.

"What's wrong," Lucky asked. His canine senses were in overdrive. Fairy Drag Mother took his hand.

"Lucky, you must listen to me carefully," she said. "The spell will last forever but a condition must be met first."

"What condition?" He asked.

"The person you love must also love you," She answered.

"I have to get the Captain to fall in love with me?" Lucky placed a hand on his chin as he pondered how he would do that. "How long do I have?"

"By the time the sun sets... seven days from now," Fairy Drag Mother spoke.

"Cello's wedding is in seven days!" Lucky exclaimed.

"Then you better hurry." She waved her hand and a silver band appeared on Lucky's right wrist. A small hourglass sat on top of the band. The sand began flowing from the top of the magical hourglass to the bottom.

"If you don't get the Captain to love you by the time the last grain of sand hits the bottom of the hourglass, when the sun sets, you will be transformed back into a dog. There's no amount of magic in the land that would be able to turn you human again." She explained.

"Then I can't fail," Lucky said determined. "I'll get the Captain to love me and I'll be by his side forever. Not as a dog, but as a human!"

"I have all my faith in you, Lucky," Fairy Drag Mother said, she smiled sadly this time. "I'm so sorry that this is all I could do."

"Don't apologize," Lucky beamed at her, his smile was infectious. "You've given me a chance." Lucky gave Fairy Drag Mother a tight hug before running off towards the castle. He wasn't sure how this was going to work, but he was committed to see this through. 

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