Chapter 3

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((TW for transphobia and gun violence))

I wasn't sure what to say, when an old lady says she isn't human you normally just laugh at her, and I wanted to. But there were some weird things about this job that made me wonder, so I stayed quiet for a moment.

"Then what are you?" I finally asked.

"Vampires." she stated and this time I couldn't fight the snicker that left my mouth.

"Vampires? That's a good one." I said and she only sighed, shaking her head.

"We have been around for many years, especially in this town, until we were ran out, or so they thought," she began telling me. "I actually have been around since we found this town in the 1700s, opened this place in the 1800s as a music and general store. Along with a go to shelter for our kind. "

"I still don't really buy it," I admitted. She opened her mouth and pushed out fangs. I got closer and watched her retract them. "Woah." I whispered.

"Believe me now?" she asked and I nodded. "I assume Quinn forgot there are a few goths and alternative people who aren't Vampires, but we found the cultures to normally be calling cards for who is who."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know," I told her and she laughed.

"Of course you didn't, we got good at hiding mostly." she trailed off. "Is this, going to be an issue? Do we have to worry about you?" she asked and I shook my head.

"No no, of course not. Secret is safe. I just want to talk to Quinni again, I hate her being upset with me."

"I can make that happen. You just go home and get some rest. Oh here, write your number here and we will both add you to our phones," she pushed a paper at me and I wrote down my cell phone number.

"Okay, well goodnight," I said as I left the building and went home.


The next morning I woke up to a text from an unsaved number.

'Hey Emmy, Nancy gave me your number and explained. Im really sorry I dragged you into this. I should have asked her before I said anything.' I smiled at the text and added the girl to my contacts.

'Dont worry, Im happy to know the secret and keep it safe. Besides, I still want that date if I can.' I sent before I went to school. The school had a strict no phone policy that I always followed, so I was excited to check my phone when classes came to an end.

'I guess I could give it a try ;) where do you want to go?' the text read.

'How about the movie theater you mentioned, I would love to see your city,' I sent back. It didnt take long for my phone to start ringing and I answered it.

"Hey, Im not really sure. I mean, humans dont go to the city and I dont want to get you in any trouble. Besides, no one dresses like you down there and you would stick out." she told me and I shrugged.

"I want to go, you can come pick out my outfit and everything but I want to see the city with you, please?"

"Alright, text me your address and I will be there soon." she hung up and I did as told texting the address to her. I felt nervous the whole wait, would she actually like me even though I am human, or maybe this was just a pity date so I didn't spill their secrets.

I decided to take a quick shower as I waited to make sure I had no makeup on. Soon there was a knock on my apartment front door. I threw on some pajama pants and a t shirt before I went and opened the door.

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