"How was your day?"

"Pretty good. How was yours?"

"Good, good."

"I-," they both started to talk at the same time.

"Sorry, go ahead."

Instead of saying anything Eleanor decided to be brave and show him instead of telling him. She walked closer to him, now standing in front of him. Buck's breath hitched slightly as he stood still. Eleanor leaned up, almost on her tippy toes, and pressed her lips against Buck's. He stood still for a moment before wrapping his arms around her to hold her up and in place. Their lips moved in sync. They eventually pulled away, Buck's arms stayed wrapped around her waist while she rested her hands on his chest.

"I was gonna say the same thing," Buck smiled. Eleanor's face lit up, her cheeks turned red. "It may be a bit backward considering we technically live together but would you wanna go on a date sometime?"

"I'd love to. But, only if we can do that again.."

"Oh, this?" Buck leaned down and pressed his lips to hers once more. "We can do that whenever you want."

"We're so cheesy," Eleanor laughed.

"I love cheese," Buck laughed along. "Wanna get dinner now? I'm kinda hungry." 

"Can we stay in? Maybe watch some movies."

"Whatever you wanna do dear." Eleanor blushed at the term of endearment. "What're you feeling?"


"Done, I'll be right back." Buck kissed her one last time before leaving. Eleanor leaned against the counter, she couldn't stop smiling. She'd had these feelings for a while and she was glad they were finally out and that Buck felt the same. It felt as if everything was finally settling and falling into place. She almost felt like she was in a cheesy rom-com movie.

Eleanor grabbed her phone and clicked on Maddie's text thread. There was an unread message and a picture. She opened it, it was a screenshot of a message between Maddie and Chim. The message underneath read 'There's your survey.' She replied back with laughing emojis before sending another message, 'I did it.'

Maddie texted back almost immediately, 'YAY!.' Eleanor set her phone back on the counter and went upstairs to get changed into pajamas. After she changed she decided to look through some movies while she waited for Buck. She picked out three though they'd probably only get through one. About ten minutes later Buck returned.

"I come baring food," he smiled as he carried the bag to the living room.

"Yum, it smells so good." Eleanor took the bag and started pulling everything out while Buck went to change. She already had an entire taco down by the time he came back.


"A little," she said through a mouth full of food.

Buck laughed lightly. "Didn't you and Maddie go out for lunch?"

"We decided to stay in, drink wine, and gossip instead." Buck laughed again. 

"Typical. Here, I got a new one to try." Buck held the taco out for her to take a bite. 

"That's really good." Buck took a bite and nodded in agreement. 

"So what did you guys gossip about?"

"Girl stuff, like boys and.. yeah, that was it."

"Boys, huh?"

"You and Chim. Don't worry, you're the only guy on my mind." Buck smiled. "I'm trying to convince Maddie to ask Chim out though. It's so obvious they like each other." Buck agreed.

They continued eating, gossiping between bites. When they were done Buck pressed play on the movie and they got comfortable on the couch. Buck put his feet up on the coffee table. Eleanor draped her legs over Buck's and rested her head on his chest. He wrapped an arm around her waist, holding her closer to him. He kissed the top of her before leaning his head against hers.


"Good morning sunshine." 

"Good morning Mr. Buckley."

"Ooh, Mr?" 

"Ew," Eleanor playfully slapped his chest and laughed. They had fallen asleep on the couch watching TV last night, they were still in the same spots. "Breakfast?"


"I take that as a yes." Eleanor started to get up but Buck pulled her back. "I can't cook from here."

"Not yet, I'm comfortable." She shook her head but laid back down anyway. Breakfast could wait, this was better, and she couldn't deny that. After about five minutes Buck finally agreed to get up. Eleanor went straight to the kitchen and started breakfast.

She mixed up some pancake batter, threw some bacon in a pan, and grabbed a couple of potatoes. She poured some batter into a pan, as she was waiting to flip it she felt a strong pair of arms snake around her waist. Buck rested his chin on her shoulder. "It smells so good." He kissed her cheek, making her turn red again. "Do you want me to do anything?"

"If you want to."

"Of course."

"Shred the potatoes please." Buck did as he was told. Eleanor took the bacon out of the pan and added the potatoes. She threw some seasoning in and stirred them. Buck got out plates and set the table. Buck took the plate of pancakes and bacon over to the table. Eleanor finished up the potatoes and brought those over. They ate in comfortable silence, staring at each other once in a while. 

Eleanor started to clean up but Buck stopped her. "I got it, you cooked, I'll clean." She smiled up at him as he took her plate. He leaned down and planted a kiss on her lips before cleaning off the table.

"What time do we have to be at Athena's?"

"She said five." Eleanor nodded. She sat at the table, watching as Buck moved around the kitchen. 


"Merry Christmas," Athena smiled as she opened the door. 

"Thanks for inviting us. We brought Christmas," Buck held up the eggnog. "And.. we brought congratulations," he handed the wine to Athena.

"And cookies," Eleanor held two trays.

"Thank you. Well, you are always welcome. Maddie didn't want to join us?"

"I think this year she needed a different kind of Christmas."

"That's okay. Well, come in, join everyone."

"Hey," Bobby greeted, hugging both Buck and Eleanor. 

Buck grabbed Eleanor's hand, holding it in his. Hen noticed and smiled at Buck, saying it's about time. Buck introduced Eleanor to Athena's ex, Michael, and Hen's wife, Karen, since she hadn't met them yet.  They all sat around chatting until Bobby called everyone to the table to eat. Eleanor couldn't be happier. She'd never experienced anything like this before. She'd never been to big gatherings, she didn't have much family. Here she was welcomed with open arms, it was like one big family. She finally felt like she belonged somewhere. 

Black And Blue-E.Buckley (9-1-1)Where stories live. Discover now