But suddenly, something gets her attention. It's a boy walking around in the direction of the big ways. They're not open yet, but they should be any minute now.

Normally, Minho and Dan would be standing there, waiting to run the Maze. But they got a day off today.

Y/n knows for sure the boy is Newt, and the walls are opening. From the second it's wide enough, he looks one time behind him, at the Glade, and then runs inside.

'What the hell is he doing?' Y/n thinks. Newt isn't a runner. He can't run in there, especially not alone.
'I'll just wait and see when he comes back.'

Y/n stares at the opening in the walls, waiting for Newt to come out again.

2 minutes, he's not long gone yet.

5 minutes, he's probably just checking something.

10 minutes, he's just walking at ease.

20 minutes, he will probably be there any minute.

25 minutes, maybe he's lost?

30 minutes, I should wake up Minho to go look for him.

Y/n walks to the hammock where Minho is still sleeping.
"Minho, Minho?" Y/n whispers while shaking his hammock.

"Morning princess, what's up?"

"You have to wake up, it's Newt. I think there's something wrong."

Minho's eyes go wide at the thought of something happening to Newt.

Y/n explains to him what she saw while walking to the opening of the Maze.

"Okay, I'm gonna go look for him. No worries. And don't tell anyone yet, they'll just worry abiut it." Minho gives her a hug as a goodbye and runs away.

"Be careful."

Y/n watches her best friend run in the horrifing looking Maze. When she can't see him anymore, she goes back to the homestead to wait for them. Waiting by the walls would be too obvious for the others. Although, most are still sleeping or eating.

Her hands are shaking. Her heart is going fast at the thought of something happening to them. Maybe there was a Griever. Maybe, she sent Minho in there, just to lead him to his own death.

No, she doesn't think so. She's this nervous about Newt. It's weird, she can't explain it. But she knows there's something wrong. And it's hard not to start panicking.

It took 13 minutes until she sees Minho again. Thank god, hes alright. He runs into the Glade with Newt in his arms, directly to the hut of the med-jacks.

~~Y/n's pov~~

I run to the med-jacks as fast as I can. Why? I don't even know.

Newt wasn't nice to me the last weeks. He doesn't even care about me. Doesn't even trust me. Why do I suddenly care about him?

I have no clue, but I know my heart is beating harder than ever, and that's because something is seriously wrong. My feet are leading me, making me run like I just found a way out of the Maze.

When I reach the med-jacks, Clint and Jeff are already there, too. Minho is out of breath, and Newt lies on the bed, unconscious. This isn't looking good. I knew it.

"What happened?!" I ask Minho in a little panic.

"I-uhm I found him like that in the Glade, he must have passed out. I don't know what happened." Minho doesn't look at me but at Jeff as he's explaining it. Why is he lying to them?

"No worries, he's still breathing normally. We'll check him out."

Minho and I go outside again, so we can go eat. And Jeff and Clint have all the room they need. But I need to ask him first: "Minho, why did you lie to them? I saw you running, Newt was in the Maze."

He places his hands on my shoulders. "Just don't tell anyone about it yet, okay? I'll explain it later. Let it go for now, please. It's easier this way."


I couldn't eat that morning. The feeling in my stomach didn't let me eat anything. So, after 5 minutes of trying, I went back to the med-jacks.

I wait by the door when I hear Clint and Jeff talking. "So we say it as Minho asked to?"

"Yes," Clint answers. "We just tell everyone he broke his leg in the Glade. And he's passed out because he fell."

I make sure they don't see me. He broke his leg? And why would they lie about it, about him being in the Maze? Because he couldn't be in there? It is against the rules. But I think there's more to the story. Why was he in there in the first place? And what happened?

I knock on the door so the med-jacks know I'm there. "Hi, how is it going?"

"He's fine," Jeff answers me. "Well, his leg is broken, and he's still asleep. But it's gonna be alright."

"Can you maybe stay here a bit, Y/n?" Clint asks. "We haven't eaten yet. Just keep an eye on him, and if he's awake or something else happens, come to us. We'll be quick."

They leave the hut and let me alone in the room with Newt. I sit down next to him.
When I look at his face, he just looks peacefully asleep. Like nothing happened.

When I look at his chest and stomach because his shirt is off, he looks very thin and starved. I can see all his ribs just of how skinny he is. It's like he didn't eat in weeks. Is that why I never saw him eating? Not because he ate really or late. He just didn't eat.

His leg is clearly broken. It's covered with a bandage.
There's some cuts here and there all over his body. Some are still bleeding. This is making me sad. And feel sick.

And then I saw something. They removed the bandage from his wrist.
I take his hand and look at the wrist. There are three big scars from three big cuts.
My brain starts to get some pieces together, but I ignore it. I don't know what happened yet, so it's probably nothing.

God, this is bad. Really bad. The way he's lying here. His body shows so much. Scars tell the story I'm ignoring. His story. That no one really knows about.

Newt is second in command. He's calm, he helps people who need it. He has it together. That the way everyone sees him.

But the Newt I'm seeing here... This is another person. I wish I didn't see this. Didn't see him this morning.

I look around, take another bandage and place it on the scars. I don't know why, or maybe I do, but I'm lying to myself. But it feels right. Like he would want that.







Subject A5 & A17 (Maze Runner-Newt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now