Bully Crush Pt2 (Johnten - NCT ) angst, fluff

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A/N : I really don't feel like breathing for another year but then I remembered that my favorite trio (my Minseol, Xion and Byeolie) will be disheartened if they knew I had it within my drafts all this time . I wanna pass away in peace, so yeah, this one's for them. If you're seeing this, I love you so much and thank you all for everything"(


"Johnny open your eyes! Johnny!"

"Johnny please! I'm r-right here.."

"I know you can hear me, please hang in there!"

"They're on their way and you're going to be saved! Please don't give up Johnny, I don't want to lose you just yet."

"Do you hear me?! I want you to stay Johnny!"



he wanted to scream as soon as he opened his eyes, but his body's too numb to react.
blinking with heavy eyes, Johnny took notice of the whiteness of this place, the IV drop and the smell of medicine and it doesn’t take long for him to realize where he is.

but how did he get to the hospital?


"you're awake, Mr Suh." he blinks when a smiling nurse came to his line of vision as she inspected the IV drop and wrote down some notes before turning her attention to him. "your family's waiting for you outside, but before I can let them see you, do you remember what's gotten you here?"

family? Oh no, if his mom knew about this she'd freak out.

"Mr Suh?"

"sorry-" Johnny's voice came out too hoarse he had to clear his throat. "I uhm.. yeah, I do remember."

The nurse nods, "well, the person who brought you here claimed that you were under some bullies attack and you were harmed from the back by one of them. Is that true?"

Johnny had flashbacks as the woman spoke, his head throbbed when he lifted his hand to touch the back of his head that is now wrapped in bandages. He frowns.

"yeah," he finally nods, watching as the nurse started jotting down notes again. "that's what happened.."

The woman eventually left after asking him a few more questions about his birthday, his family and a few more stuff and Johnny's guessing she's just making sure that his injury didn't cause him any sort of memory loss, although it was thankfully a minor injury that wouldn't cause much harm.

As soon as she left, the door opened revealing a crying woman and a worried boy in her tail.

"mom.." Johnny frowns, he knows how sensitive she is, that's why he didn't want her to know.

"oh my God John!" the woman cried. "my sweetheart what happened to you?"

"I'm fine mom, please don't cry now." he squeezed her shaking hand as soon as she held his, but she wasn't even listening as she sobbed, her other hand touching his face inspecting his busted lip and black eye, crying even harder at the horrible sight. Johnny sighed as he looked away and locked eyes with the person standing on the other side of his bed, giving a small smile "hey Mark."

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