Chapter 0 - Jingo In the Jungle

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The moon is high as a fleet of warships steam from Africa, a squadron of fairly new and modern warships ranging from a couple of modern Carriers, Battleships and Battlecruisers, to older cruisers, destroyers and torpedo boats.

All of them have their ships out as they don't want to over-exhaust themselves with the riggings and one of them stands tall, on the top of her large and high mast, overlooking the area in search for possible enemies as they don't have radar and using plane would be useless in this situation.

But as they approach undetected, unexpectedly, the main base of the traitors. Smoke can be spotted over the horizon, most of the girls on the ground think they must have started to burn things but the one girl on top of her ship's mast can only look in disbelief and with wide eyes as she watches the carnage and a scene straight out of hell at the destruction and fires

Couple of Minutes Ago

Rhein is standing alongside the crowd of officers and another revolutionary "government" personnel as they party and drink to their quick victory in securing the entire Pacific colonies and the ships stationed there

"Why don't you join us, Rhein?" The same officer who she put into a night with the Military Police asked as he held a wine cup and looked clearly inebriated

"I Still am at work... maybe afterwards I will drink something red" She said and excused herself from what just a couple of hours ago was a sirius discussion and making up of war plans

"Your Loss... but finish your work quickly because I'd like to repay you for what you did to me you Bloody Carrier Jingo!" The officer said looking at her body suggestively as Rhein smiled innocently

"But of course~" She said in a teasing voice and finally went for the exit.

Outside the situation was calmer and more empty as the soldiers who would normally be guarding the place were either also drinking or busy 'Eliminating' enemies of the new state as Rhein sighed and walked towards a hill that overlooked the entire base, slowly taking off the different symbols of her support to the party as a more mischievous smile appeared on her face the closer she got to the top, where once she was there she looked just like before she joined the movement as she moved her hand closer to the rapier at her side, slowly unsheathing it as it shined in the moonlight, a small text etched into the guard of it

"Loyalität Fatherland"

Seeing this she moved a finger across it as she smiled and looked from the grip to the tip of it before pointing it at the base below her as she smiled crazily and quietly and rapidly breathing as her legs trembled and shook under her

"You were right Dumpkopf... I am a crazy Jingo... and now you all serve me the HEART OF THE CANCER on a silver pla-aaaahh~" She said as her eyes looked like a crimson red ocean with burning hearts in place of pupils,

And soon enough her carrier that was in the dock disappeared as she summoned her rigging just without the boots as she turned around, her back facing the base as she breathed heavily with closed eyes and a ecstatic expression.

"Oh I'm so going to enjoy squishing you powerless ANTS" She said and with a twirl of her body she kicked her leg out towards the base as a short line of light shoot out from the end of the flight deck before turning into a flight of Heinkel He 50 Dive bomber's

"Let's see -kukh- how many of you survive~" She said and let out a short laugh as the bombers began to dive and dropped their ordinance accurately, some exploding on impact as others penetrated onto the ground level exploring in between the conspirators that had no time to react

But some did survive as soon enough from the burning building people began running away, screaming and all of them injured one way or another all the while Rhein looked at them with a crazed expression and a smile showing her teeth and fangs

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