Trials of Apollo - Part Six

Start from the beginning

Apollo feigned surprise. "Can you read my mind, Miss Dare?"

"I don't need to. I know you, Lord Apollo."

A week ago, he'd have thought the notion was ridiculous, but now as Lester Papadopoulos, there wasn't exactly much to know.

"Don't call me Lord," he sighed. "I am just a mortal teen. I do not belong at this camp."

Percy sat next to Cressida who had seated herself next to Apollo. He squinted at the sunrise, the sea breeze tousling his hair as he seemed calmer when Cressida rested her head on his shoulder. "Yeah, I used to think I didn't belong here either."

"We both did," Cressida added as she looked up at him, only for him to kiss her forehead.

"It's not the same," Apollo. "You humans change and grow and mature. Gods do not."

Cressida was the one to speak this time. "I wouldn't be so sure. You seem pretty different."

"Trust her," Percy advised. "She knows a thing or two about changed gods. I mean, now Dionysus and I can actually get along."

Cressida shoved his arm as she lifted up her head. "I knew you were lying to me about not getting along with my father!"

Percy had the audacity to laugh. "You were the one that wanted us to get along, Drama Queen. And for the record, it was his idea."

"And you didn't exactly seem like he was twisting your arm to get you to go along with it."

"Well, I mean it was a tough choice. Annoy my girlfriend by getting along with her father or annoy my girlfriend by not getting along with her father."

"You suck," she spat but Percy's troublemaker grin remained.

"And you love me."

"I hate you."


And their bickering or argument or whatever you want to call it, ended as Cressida kissed his lips before leaning back against him again as Apollo contemplated their earlier words.

He'd had managed to muster a few bursts of godly power, some divine strength against the Germani and the arrow again Colossus but he definitely couldn't rely on them especially since he couldn't even control them.

"The other Oracles must be found and secured," Apollo proclaimed. "I cannot do that unless I leave Camp Half-Blood. And I cannot risk anyone else's life."

Rachel sat on his other side. "You sound certain. Did you get a prophecy from the grove?"

Apollo shuddered. "I fear so."

Rachel cupped her hands on her knees. "Kayla said you were talking to an arrow yesterday. I'm guessing it's wood from Dodona?"

"Wait," Percy said. "You found a talking arrow that gave you a prophecy?"

"Don't be silly," Apollo said. "The arrow talks, but I got the prophecy from the grove itself. The Arrow of Dodona just gives random advice. He's quite annoying."

Cressida tapped Percy's leg. "You really shouldn't be surprised by this stuff anymore, Captain Nemo."

He sighed. "Tell me about it."

"At any rate," Apollo continued, "I must leave the camp. The Triumvirate means to possess all the ancient Oracles. I have to stop them. Once I have defeated the former emperors...only then will I be able to face my old enemy Python and free the Oracle of Delphi. After that...if I survive...perhaps Zeus will restore me to Olympus."

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