"Well, we've been close... he's like a brother to me actually." My answer made my Dad amused that he chuckled.

"I knew that boy would be that kind..." He commented to which I nodded. "How about that... other boy?" He asked later, looking away when I looked at him.

"Who?" I asked, clearing him out. I had a hunch who was he pertaining to but I need to be sure.

"T-that boy..." mY FREAKIN FATHER STUTTERED ??!?!? iS ThE wORlD hEaLiNG?! "You know who I mean... Park's Boy." I gulped and look down.

Ahh... He's talking about Taehyun...

"Oh he's also fine. I heard he recently had a girlfriend.." I replied, and the conversation went for a little while. He asked how have I been these past few weeks and did some catching up.

I heard and saw him occasionally let out some low chuckles, and smiles. It was nice actually... to bond with my father. Because I don't remember the last time we did this and I'm also not certain if this ever happens again in the near future.

After our lunch, it was time for him to go back to the company so I also bid my goodbye so I can go home too.

As I arrived home, I went directly to my room and slid onto my secret room to grab some of my sketchpads. It had been a while since I last doodled something out.


I slowly fluttered my eyes open, finding my surroundings familiar and bit by bit remembering what happened before my slumber.

Ah... I must have fallen asleep.

I started stretching out my arms and let out a groan. I stood up from the chair I sat from and started cleaning up my mess. The drawing actually looked good, though it lacked some colour. I kept everything to the side and grabbed some of the novels that I already finished reading and went outside.

I knocked twice on the door beside my room. A few moments later, the door flung open, revealing my cousin in a messy state. His hair was disheveled and there was a dried drool on his cheeks.

I chuckled at the sight of him. "You fell asleep too?"  He shyly nodded and his gazes moved from me to the book in my hand. "Oh, these are some novels I've finished reading.. If you are interested in reading, you can have them." I smiled, lending him
the books on my hand.

He received the books and bowed. He went to close the door but I spoke, "Oh and Jungwon?" The door stopped from closing while he waited with a questioning look, "Wipe your drool before going out later." I winked while he had his eyes wide.

The door closed immediately with me laughing my ass out. "Kyra?" A voice from behind called, making me look at the owner. I smiled again after seeing my mother's face. "Are you busy?" She asked, holding me arms.

"Oh, I don't have anything to do anymore."

She nodded in satisfaction and slowly dragged me downstairs. On the way, she asked; "Can you accompany Ms. Hong to the market?" She asked.

"Yeah, of course! Can we tag Jungwon along?" With my question, she nodded and smiled.

"That would be nice." She said before actually leaving me to the kitchen with nana.

That Day, That Guy (제이) JAY EN-Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat