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CW//cursing, contains messages or / and replies


Everything feels so surreal.

Because it happened so fast.

But I felt so happy.

After that day, I promised to my self that I will never leave that man behind. My man. He deserves the world, and everything beyond it.

As the cold November breeze hit my skin, fleeing my hair behind, I smiled. I smiled contentedly and closed my eyes to feel that certain moment.

Ahhh it's so refreshing...

Then I looked at my wrist, to see the bracelet that Jay gave me after our 100th day. It was also a couple bracelet, and we reversed it.

He had the color pink while I have the blue, I really don't know what's gotten into him when he suggested that but nonetheless I enjoyed having it with me.

He gave it to me as his gift aside from the cards, it's cute!

I was in the middle of my sentimental moment when I heard a faint knock on the door. I quickly went inside my room again, closing the balcony door and opening the door of my room to where someone knocked.

"Kyra noona?" I let Jungwon enter my bedroom and closed the door again. He plopped himself in my bed and curled into a ball. "Ahh, what a tiring day!" He said later and stood up, "Can I talk to you, noona?"


"Well, you see... you remember that one new maid here? The one named Maria?"

[Reference: chapter 'Twelfth']

"Uh yeah?" I asked as I looked at his face. Jungwon was... pissed? I don't know but his brows are knitted and he was pouting. "What's up with her? Why?"

"She's been poking into my businesses these days and I hate it. Can't she just stay away? Argh! She's such a curious cat, too curious that it irritates me. She should be thankful, you know? Because she's a girl and I can't just raise my voice towards her. But she better be prepared when I can alre-"

"Woah, chill..." I put both of my hands on his shoulders as he panted due to the rapping he did. I chuckled at his reaction while I watched as he realized what he said was long already.

He balled his cheeks with air while pressing his lips together due to shyness. I patted his head and said, "Looks like my baby Wonnie likes someone..." I teased him and tickled him at the side, only though, I forgot he's not ticklish.

"Of course, I like someone!" He exclaimed and rolled his eyes, then again, looked away when he realized what he said.

I sighed in a teasing way, "Funny how fishes are caught by their mouth when they're fooled by the bait..." I said in wonder and chuckled, as he glared at me and pouted.

"I came here to rant, not to be roasted by you." Was what he said before he stormed out of my room. I was left wondering how the heck had he lowered his guard down that time... hmft, he must really like the girl.

That Day, That Guy (제이) JAY EN-Where stories live. Discover now