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[a/n: advance apologies hihi]


We both rushed back to the school as soon as he said that it was already 4 pm. I realized that I already had my fun and now, my heart is really pounding fast as soon as we reached the school. It was 4:38 pm when we arrived at the gate, panting. While the school guards were looking at us weirdly.

"What did you forget inside?" They asked and stopped us but we just ignored them and continued. We went in our own ways to our classrooms. Luckily, the room was still open. After getting my things, I walked through the quiet and peaceful hallway alone. I want to go to Jay's classroom but then... he wasn't there.

I tried near the gate but then I saw Dad. Looking furious. No. No please... J-Jay don't come.. no dad please... I silently prayed as his steps fastened towards me with some of the bodyguards at his back. I bit my lips when he was in the front of me. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN THE WHOLE DAY?!" I closed my eyes when my fear started to spread around my body.

I felt an arm wrapped around me. No! Jay— "Why did you left m— oh... I-I'm sorry sir. She's been with me the whole day. I'm sorry for not informing you. We had too much fun..." I looked at the person's face with fear. What if my father gets mad at h—

"Does she know?" Dad coldly asked, not to me. I kept my head hang low. Too embarrassed and scared. "Y-yes... she found out that I was the spy... I'm really sorry." She said and bowed to my dad as well while my dad massaged the bridge of his nose.

V-vera is the spy student?!

"Kyra. Let's go home." He said sternly and walked away but Vera chased behind him. "S-sir? Are you gonna cut off the—" her statement was cut off by dad's hand, dismissing her. "I won't. Now do your job." He said and walked away.

I went to Vera real quickly when she was about to fall down. "H-hey... are you okay?" I asked as she breathed heavily, relieved. "Are you?" She asked back and smiled. I held my tears. "You risked everything... I'm sorry." I said and hugged her but she just chuckled and patted my back. "It's okay... you should follow him now." She replied and caressed my back.

"Thank you, Vera." I said before standing up with her. She noticed that I wasn't moving yet so she made the first move to walk away. Only then I followed dad to the car. "Prepare your self." I nodded and held on my bag tautly.

"You do know that you are the only heir of our company, right?" I hummed in response and kept my head lowered. "And you already expected to be in an arrange marriage, am I right?" I bit my lips and hummed once again, nodding in the process. "Well, you aren't wrong. We're meeting with them tonight. Be like yourself, Kyra. Who follows and doesn't disobey orders. I know you'll get along with him." He answered. His voice never made me feel all calm, even from before. Actually, I feared his voice.

Be like myself? Do you even know what I was like, dad?

Sadly, I can't do anything. But to follow. We didn't went home, instead, he dropped me off in a beauty parlor. Mom was there and I guess they rented the place. They already had my dress and things.

All I need to do is to be dressed. After everything, we went on our way. It was nearly 7 pm when we arrived to a rest house. I composed my self and smiled to mom. She looked happy and enthusiastic with what was going on.

That Day, That Guy (제이) JAY EN-Where stories live. Discover now