39.Enchated to meet you...

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Later that day:

"What is this? A picture of who?" Ahru asked, her voice filled with curiosity as her eyes landed on the painting in Taehyung's bedroom. It was prominently placed directly in front of his bed, indicating its significance. The fact that it occupied such a prime spot meant that Taehyung looked at it every day, underscoring its importance to him.

They were at his condo. The last time Ahru had visited, she hadn't been in the right frame of mind to admire the beauty and elegance of his bedroom. Now, she had the chance to take it all in and was struck by his sophisticated taste.

This certainly wasn't the type of bedroom she was used to. The space was vast, with deep navy blue walls accented by gray undertones that created a serene and elegant atmosphere. The bed, an imposing piece of furniture with plush bedding, stood as the room's centerpiece. Against one wall, a luxurious couch invited relaxation, while a sleek, modern chair faced a large, mounted television. To the side, an office area featured a floor-to-ceiling library, filled with books that spoke of Taehyung's diverse interests and intellect. The room exuded a quiet, understated luxury that was both comforting and impressive.

Ahru was still trying to take everything in when the lamp went off, casting the room into a soft, intimate darkness. The moonlight filtering through the curtains added a romantic glow to the room.

"Who do you think it is?" Taehyung's voice was low and teasing as he walked up to her. The sudden warmth of his body pressing against hers made her breath hitch. He encircled his hands around her waist, nuzzling into her neck while back-hugging her. His hair brushed against her skin, sending a cascade of goosebumps over her body, and she could feel his erratic heartbeat against her back.

Ahru's mind raced as she tried to focus on the painting. "I... I don't know," she stammered, her thoughts scattered by the warmth of his embrace and the way his presence enveloped her. The painting's serene and mysterious figure seemed almost secondary to the palpable connection between them at that moment.

Taehyung's breath was warm against her ear as he whispered, "Take a guess." His voice sent shivers down her spine, and she leaned back into him, feeling the strength and tenderness in his hold.

She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. "Is it someone you know? Someone important to you?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

He chuckled softly, the sound vibrating through her. "Yes," he replied simply, his tone laced with affection and a hint of mystery.

" Take a guess " his voice came warm and soothing

"Uhm, maybe Mo—" Ahru began to tease, but she wasn’t able to finish her sentence as Taehyung swiftly sat on the nearby chair and pulled her onto his lap. She yelped at the sudden movement, her face landing against his chest. After regaining her balance, Ahru became acutely aware of their close proximity. Taehyung's dark eyes bore into her, making her heart race. "Ta-Tae," she stuttered.

"Shhh," he hushed her, placing one hand on her exposed thigh and caressing it with his thumb in a slow, deliberate motion. With his other hand, he gently moved her hair away from her neck, causing her breath to hitch. "Don't ruin the moment, Love. I’m not in the mood for mercy tonight. You already gave me a heart attack today," he whispered, leaning close to her ear.

Taehyung let go of her thigh and gripped her waist firmly, his touch sending shivers down her spine. His voice was low, but the intensity of his words made Ahru forget how to breathe. She stared at him, her eyes wide with confusion and a blush creeping across her cheeks. "What do you mean?Bring my innocent bear back"she managed to ask, her voice barely above a whisper. Taehyung’s gaze softened slightly, but his grip remained firm.

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