Secret of the scar

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Meanwhile, with the other guys back in the living room. Some of the couples or trios like Minsung, Woosan, and the Maknae trio went to bed drunk. The following were still awake: BangChan, Changbin, Felix, HongJoong, Seonghwa, Yeosang, and Yuhno.

The rest were up talking and goofing off. Soon, they decided to make snacks and talk about the trio that was awake but off doing other things. Yes, the group of 16 talked about everything. EVERYTHING.

“ So you think it was a good idea on letting her go with Hyunjin and Mingi? They never really add people much unless it is me or Felix” Yunho said to the group who was stealing Yeosang’s popcorn.

“ She’ll be fine. She’s fought men Mingi’s height, so she’ll be okay “ Yeosang said with a little hint of laughter.

“ So why did she have you guys sing Take me to church? I mean, the song is about gay love, and she is… well a she” Yunho asked as the others came and sat down.

Felix and Yeosang looked at each other. Ash had many songs she was attached to. In Stray Kids, it was Lonely St. and Venom off their Oddinary album, and for Ateez, it was Halazia and Wonderland. The men looked down before looking back at the others. They had Ash’s permission to share the story only about that song as the one about ‘ Lonely St. ‘ and ‘ Venom ‘ was far more serious, and she was the only one who wanted to share that when she had gotten comfortable with the others.

“ First off, Ash is what they call Nonbinary. She uses She/They pronouns. She feels more at home with they/them but due to her family and work she uses She. She didn’t always use the signature on her artwork she does now. It used to be very dark like the song.” Yeosang started to tell them. He secretly saw Seonghwa squeezing HongJoong’s hand. The oldest of the pirate crew had been growing closer to the artist online.

“ So do we use They/them? So they are more comfortable?” Seonghwa asked, and Felix nodded. He knew the group would have to inform the others.

“ The reason they are so close to that song id that they are pansexual and the world we have now, especially in the states, are creating laws that go against LGBTQ+ people. In the music video, the male’s partner is killed because of their sexuality. They are afraid that one day that could be them. “ Felix said, watching as the other’s faces except Yeosang’s scrunched up in shock.

“ They told us when they first found out about both Ateez and Straykids, they saw many Atinys and Stays shipping certain ones of us and it made them happy since Korea has it’s opinion’s on those kinds of relationships. They saw how many people said that HongJoong, Hwa, and San were safe spaces for people like them. With Stray kids, too. They saw myself, Hyunjin, Han, and Changbin. Despite being a new StayTiny, we feel like home to them already. “ Felix said, looking at the others.

“ Apart from the part that Ash wants to screw all of us” Yunho said, trying to lighten the mood. This caused a few forced laughs.

“ How did sh-they get the scar?” Changbin asked.

“ That is a story Ash didn’t share, but they have shared it with someone else in the room over the phone. They want to be the one that shares that. “ Yeosang said.

The ones Felix named felt a sense of comfort that they had been Ash’s first safe spaces. They were happy Ash felt safe with all 16 of them already.

“ Does Hyunjin know? Since he’s been stalking them?” Chan asked, and Felix shook his head.

“ No. No one but us in this room knows. “ Felix said.

Now, the group felt more protective of Ash than ever. Seonghwa got up, leaving the group stunned as the older man went to his and HongJoong’s room. The male looked to be holding back tears the best he could.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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