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It was quite early when I woke up to the smell of pancakes. I checked my phone, at 6:27 am. I sat up, put my Crocs on, and started making my way downstairs.

"Wakey wakey!" I heard Robert say when he heard me coming.

"Eggs and bakey?" I asked sleepy.

"Mmh, more like pancakes."

I left out a soft chuckle.

"So are you ready for your first day?" He said putting a plate in front of me.

"We're not even filming today. It's just gonna be me meeting everyone and getting a tour of what is where and some measurements they need to take." I simply said.

"And school!" Rob added.

"And school," I repeated

"I bet Aidan will be happy that he no longer will need to sit alone in that room."

We had breakfast together and talked some more. After that, I went back upstairs to take a shower and get dressed. I made my bag for the day with everything that I was gonna need before I went downstairs.

"Our Uber is almost here. You sure you got everything?" He asked one more time.

"Yes Robbie, I have everything I need."

"Good, now pose. Your mom wanted a picture of your first day at work."

I gave him a little pose with a smile. To please him. Soon after our Uber arrived to take you to set. During the car ride, I started getting a little nervous. I mean I was gonna meet a lot of new people, which always sounds scary to me. Rob saw that I was getting nervous, and placed his hand on my shoulder while giving me the 'You'll be fine' smile.

The driver parked and we stepped out of the car. We saw a group of people talking in the distance. Immediately we recognized that it was Emmy, Elen, Justin, Ritu and... another person? Rob and I joined the group. And the girl introduced herself as our assistant.

"Hi, you must be (Y/N). I'm Britt. I'm the assistant for the cast of The Umbrella Academy."

"Hi, Britt. It's nice to meet you" I replied happily.

Britt looked around her mid-20s. She was dressed very modern.

"If you need anything or need to know anything, you can always ask me."

"Okay! Thank you." I said.

"Oh," She took out a pair of keys from her pocket. "Here are the keys to your trailer. There is a schedule in your trailer along with some other important stuff. But sadly I will now have to go."

"What already?" Rob said with a sad face.

"I'm sorry but David and Aidan are doing costume fittings and I have to be there."

Everyone said bye to Britt. While she made her way inside.

Emmy turned back to me"Oooh, do we get to take you to your trailer."

"I guess?"

"Come let's go!" She grabbed onto my arm pulling me with her.

Rob, Elen, Justin, and Ritu followed behind us while we ran to the trailers. We ran past a few big trailers that had papers on them. '1 Luther', '2 Diego', '3 Allisson', '4 Klaus', '5 Five', '6 Ben', '7 Vanya'; the trailers became slightly smaller while we kept walking, 'Lila', 'Daisy'. We stopped. 'Daisy', this was my trailer! 

"Come on open it!" Rob said.

I took the key out of my pocket and opened the door. Once inside I saw a couch, A little kitchen with a mini fridge, and a few cabinets. there was also a bathroom with a toilet and a shower and a closet behind the door where I could put my stuff. It also had  2 small windows, one above the couch and one above a desk that had a little gift basket and my schedule on it. 

I saw a card sitting in the basket and took it out.


Hi (Y/n)

We feel honoured to welcome you as part of the new cast of 'The Umbrella Academy'. We truly hope that we can make your experience as best as possible.

XXX the cast, directors, and team TUA :)


I looked at everyone who had already installed themself on the couch. 

"Girl, go true the basket there's some good stuff in there!" Justin said.

Full of curiosity you started going true the basket. 

"Omg, my tua umbrella," I said taking it out of the basket. I opened it seeing it had my character's name on it.

"Now you have one too and we can match," Emmy said happily

I kept going true the basket. It had a pair of Tua socks. a simple keychain, a t-shirt, another pair of Tua socks, and a bunch of my favourite snacks.

"Omg, I freaking love Oreos!" I said seeing the package.

"It was Aidan's idea to put those in. He said you always liked to eat those on the set of nrdd." Ellen said.

"After all those years he still remembers," I mumbled to myself while blushing. Aidan has always been such an amazing friend.

I heard a little gasp behind me. I turned around and saw Emmy with a happy, shocked expression on her face.

"What?" I asked, "What's wrong?"

"You like Aidan?!"

"What! No! He's just a friend!" I said, my face getting more red by the second.

"You do like him!" Emmy said getting up, teasing me. "You like Aidan!"

"No! And... I need to go to the costume department so y'all need to leave." I quickly switched the topic. I saw how no one was moving from the couch and smirking at me.

"You know, if you need help with your forbidden love, we are experts. I mean look at us, we already have lots of experience when it comes to love-" Before Justin could finish his sentence I cut him off.

"I don't like like Aidan. We are just friends. I need to go. You need to leave, now." 

"Fine, but if you ever..." Justin began speaking again.

"Hey, let's give our little (Y/N) some time to process this," Rob said. "I'll see you later kid." He whispered to me while pushing everyone out of the trailer.

You took a deep breath. Let's do this shit. 

AN: I'm feeling a bit nervous. This is the first story I've written and it's currently ranked #2 in aidangallagherxreader and #5 in aidangallagher, thanks to all of you. Every notification I receive about someone voting for my story or adding it to their reading list brings me great joy. Thank you all so much. I just wanted to say thank you so much for being so loving and patient with me. Your kindness has truly made this story possible.

Hey shortie! ~ Aidan GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now