"𝒩𝑜𝓉 𝒽𝑒𝓇"

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It was Friday finally, the last day of the school week but of course the weekend wasn't earned easily, all of year 10 had to go on a stupid excursion to the national park to go on some bush walk. I'm not sure what the purpose of it is but it's mandatory and my dad thinks it'll be "good for me" just like what he tells me about everything else I don't wanna do.

I stare at my clothes for a good 20 minutes not knowing what to wear, would shorts be fine? Yeah it's only a day in the bush should be right. I put on my denim shorts then pick up my green top and slide it over my head, it could possibly be passed as a tank top but I'll just ignore Mr Bates if he says anything about it.

My dad drops me off at school just as the first few people are getting on the excursion bus. I tell my dad I love him then shut the car door and walk over to the bus.
"Ah Jake, ladies first." Mr Bates says as Jake Riles tries to push me out of the way to get on the bus. I didn't care honestly, Jakes a jerk and that's a well known fact to everyone.
"Bates. She is no lady. She's a dumb s-
"Jake! You will not talk about anyone that way, now get on the bus!" Sir says, already sick of the teenage boy's attitude.
"Dumb slut is what I was gonna say in case you were wondering." Jake tells me as he walks behind me down the isle of the bus.
"Thanks but I wasn't." I say as I take my seat. He glares at me then walks up to the back of the bus.

The bus isn't to long which is good but also bad because that means this stupid walk is getting closer. I would be fine with going on this walk with my friends but knowing Mr Bates he's gonna put us all in the most obscure groups. I had some close friends but we only really hung out at school, we talked about boys, swapped homework answers and sat together at lunch but never went to each others houses. Sarah was my closest friend but of course she wasn't forced by her parents to go on this stupid thing and Jeanie was sitting with her boyfriend so I was sat here by myself. I didn't entirely mind though, it's good to get some peace and quiet for once.
"Alright kids, please get off the bus in an orderly fashion, no pushing no shoving." Sir tells us as we pull up to the walking track.

"Please form your groups as your names are called."
The first few groups are called then I hear my name.
"Sam, Jake, Andy, Felix and Sophie." I knew Sir loves to put us in odd groups but this? I can't believe this.
"Really Sir?" Jake starts. "Her? Just- no. Not her. Please sir switch the groups."
"Mr Riles your group is your group and that's final."
"Watch out Mia, Sam might not be yours anymore when he comes back!" One of the guys yells out to Mia.
"I'm good you know, short guys aren't really my type." I give the guy a sarcastic smile.
"I am not short." Sam mumbles under his breath.
"Um Sir, how am I meant to win with these two netballers and well her?" Jake asks.
"This is a team building excites Jake, not a race."
"It's always a race." Sir doesn't respond he just rolls his eyes and gives us the instructions.

𝒮𝑜𝓇𝓇𝓎 (𝐉𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐑𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now