Chapter 30

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"And just sign right there and we're done." Terry grinned as my lawyer nodded for me to sign it once she had gone over everything. "Congratulations Avery, I know how much it meant to you to get rid of this house." Terry said shooting me a sympathetic smile as he collected the signed papers and filed them away in a folder.

"When are they planning on moving in?" I asked, not wanting to turn this into another pity party by responding to his comment.

"This week, they've been house hunting in the area for the last six months so they're planning on moving in as soon as they possibly can." He responded just as his phone started ringing.

Shooting us an apologetic smile, he excused himself out of the living room to answer the call while my lawyer filed away her own copies of the agreement before handing me mine. I'm pretty sure people only keep copies with their lawyers but my trust issues mean that I need a copy of everything for myself just in case.

"Where to now Aves?" She asked, standing up from one of three chairs remaining in the living room.

"A fresh new start at college." I breathed out.

"You still going to be a lawyer?" She asked, sounding hopeful but I shook my head. I had discussed my possible mind change about being a lawyer instead of a psychologist to her and she was instantly on board. She wrote me an entire list of things I needed to do, people who I could contact, the best places to work and get experience from, and everything under the sun.

"I changed my mind again, I'm going to continue with being a psychologist. There's a huge difference between winning the battle and then dealing with the wounds after." I explained, speaking from experience it's the worst thing you have to overcome especially when you're alone most of the time. I was lucky in that sense where I had people around me who refused to leave me alone except for when I slept and that too not all the time. "Besides, I can always send them your way." I winked as she rolled her eyes in amusement.

"I'm sure whatever it is that you do you'll do amazing." She said as she gently wrapped her arms around me and gave me a quick squeeze before letting go. "I'm going to head back to the office and get everything else finished and processed from there along with your inheritance. You sit back and relax with your little boyfriend." She said, wiggling her eyebrows at me as my cheeks burned red.

"Get out." I grumbled playfully as she let out a loud laugh before making her way out the house.

"I'm going to get going too, I've got another client waiting for me. I'll fill Nat in with all the boring details. See ya kiddo, be safe." He said with a small smile before making his way out the house.

Sitting back down in my chair, I let out a loud sigh before looking around the completely empty living room. I had everything transferred to a storage unit other than most of my moms belongings. The guys haven't been over for the last two days giving me enough time to have everything thrown into a U-Haul. I'm glad neither of them came for a surprise visit otherwise things would've ended worse than I had already expected them to. I asked Terry to sell them all for me. He seemed trustworthy enough and all I really needed to do was let out a couple tears for him to clear up an afternoon to list everything online for sale.

Picking my phone up from the little plastic pink table that I used to use for my tea parties with mom, I stared at the never ending list of notifications on my lock screen from the group chat. Sebastian was probably telling us another story while Alexander was entertaining him making sure he didn't feel as though he was being ignored when he very much so was.

Tapping on Alex's contact name, I hit the call button and put him on speaker. "Aves? What's up?" He answered on the second ring, sounding confused. I hardly ever call him, he's more of a texter and so am I.

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