Chapter 5

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I don't know how this rainbow shitting, glitter crying, overly happy troll managed to get me here, but he did. Not only me, but the rest of his friends too. According to him, I need to be friends with his friends so it's not 'awkward'.

"...and then I said 'I've seen it too' and she immediately put the song on and we started singing it so loud. Have you heard that song from tangled Avery? It's so good, it's called 'I see the light'." He asked as his friends all sipped on their milkshakes while typing on their phones, occasionally looking up at him to show they were 'listening'.

"No, I haven't." I said bluntly as he let out a loud dramatic gasp gathering the attention of the neighbouring tables that consisted of two families with their little kids.

"What is wrong with you?!" He asked in completely disbelief.

"What isn't?" Luca snorted as both Sebastian and I shot him a harsh glare. Mine a lot more deadly than his.

"You must still be on your period Lucinda." I mocked as he his head snapped in my direction while the boys slapped a hand over their mouths to stop themselves from laughing, excluding Gabe who of course didn't even crack a small smile. "What? Got nothing to say to me?" I rhetorically asked as I raised an eyebrow at him, watching him clench his fists.

"Why the fuck is she even here?" He glared at Sebastian as I simply rolled my eyes.

"Why the fuck is he even here?" I mocked as Sebastian gave me a somewhat grateful smile for taking his attention away from him and back to me. It was unintentional, don't get too excited. Your girl hasn't gone all soft for a bunch of losers. Especially Lucy.

"Why don't you just get the fuck up and leave? I'm sure your psycho mom misses you. Go give her some company instead." He smirked triumphantly, as though he had won some sort of competition. If there was a competition, I can tell you now that Luca Romano of all people would not be winning.

I didn't bother considering my next actions. I didn't bother considering the families around us. I didn't bother considering my reputation, well, my fathers already corrupt reputation. And I most certainly didn't consider the end result of Luca's face.

Without thinking twice, I leaped across the table and landed a punch directly on his nose immediately resulting in a loud crack indicating a broken nose. Despite the loud gasps from around me, more from the boys than anyone else, I didn't stop with just a broken nose. I wrapped one hand around his neck, and applied pressure on his jugular vein before landing a right hook to the side of his face, making his already multicoloured, bloody face, snap to the left.

"I'll kill you the next time you even think about my mother." I promised as I let go of his throat and stood up while his friends looked at me in shock. "I'd rather die of a heart attack walking up those stairs than be friends with a piece of fucking shit like that." I snapped as I slammed the lift key on the table in front of a very gobsmacked Sebastian before storming out of the diner, ignoring Sebastian's loud voice begging me to come back.

Picking up the pace, I walked faster down the road with no destination in mind. I don't even know why I bothered even agreeing to meet up with him in the first place. In my defence, he called me saying he was all alone and didn't have anyone to hang out with and blah blah blah, and my dumbass wanted a milkshake. The need for one overpowered my strong dislike of people therefore leading to this. I'm not too bothered though, it simply just gives me another reason to avoid unnecessary human interaction. Besides, I gave back the one thing forcing me to even associate myself with them in the first place.

The loud sound of cars beeping their horns at each other pulled me out of my own world. I looked around to see where I was and realised I wasn't too far from my house. It's only six in the evening meaning Vincent shouldn't be home for another three hours. Well, I hope so. There have been a handful of times where he's decided to ditch work and spend most of his day getting drunk in the living room. But usually he reserves the alcohol for after 10:00 at night.

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