[Meanwhile with Bronya]

"What's happening ?"

Right now, Bronya is on top of a pole. She climbed up to make sure that she remained safe from the Beasts on the ground.

"Large numbers of Honkai Beasts detected out of nowhere."

She looked down and summarized the situation.

"The Bronya calculates that Alan-Nii and Subject Kiana can't withstand without a weapon."

Bronya starts to project a screen and tries to hack the system but something suddenly catches her attention.

"This is..."

[Back at Kiana and Alan]

Kiana and Alan are shocked as they watch Kallen being stabbed by a Honkai Beast as she tries to protect a little girl.

"Miss Kallen!!!" Kiana shouted.

Then she runs forward trying to save her without carrying a weapon.

"Kiana, don't!!" Alan tries to stop her but he fails.

Kiana then leaped forward trying to attack it but failed as her body was being pushed back by the beast making her hit the wall.

"Aghh!!" After hitting the wall. she fell down towards the ground, still conscious. Then, she tried to stand up.

"Kiana!! Crap...!" Alan said and he leaped forward, kicking the Beast's face.

The Beast roared at him but Alan remained unfazed.

"Pick someone your size, you ugly face!" Alan then starts attacking the beast, diverting its attention from Kiana and Kallen.

[Back at Bronya]

Bronya still tries to hack through the system but she was interrupted by something that shook the pole, making her fall. But then, to her surprise, someone caught her.

"My, My what do we have here. I did not expect to find a cute kitten scampering around this place," Bronya was caught by a tall blonde man while his head was halfway tied.

Bronya expression just remain blank as she looks at the man

'This man... Is not a VR generated character'

"Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you. In fact, you tried to save my dear Kallen and your attempt managed to hit my heart... Ah, right, about your friend, Kiana, right? She really reminds me of her. Also, about your other friend...." There was a moment of silence when he mentioned this person and half of his face was covered by a shade.

"He is quite interesting too," he regained his emotion back to before.

"And a genuine reminder that if you die in this VR World, you can never come back to the original word. Hmmm.... What should we do ? Maybe it is time to try that system which is still in development..." He said

He then extended his arm to the sides and a screen popped out. He typed something so quick without seeing the screen, that skill can only be mastered by someone who was skilled at computers for years.

He let Bronya down safely and gently on the ground and patted her head.

"There you go, little Kitty, and please, enjoy the gift that I gave to you," he said before walking away.

"That person..." Suddenly, a beep was heard by Bronya before she looked aside to see a screen popped with the words "Access Granted".

"The Bronya has been given access."

The Knights (Honkai Impact x OCs)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ