Chapter 7

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Naruto and Kakashi arrived three hours late to Training Ground 69 to meet an angry Satsuki and Hinata. "Yo, a black cat crossed our path so we had to go around it to avoid bad luck," Kakashi said while Naruto just nodded agreeing.

"Sensei Naruto I have one question," Hinata started. "Are you both gay?" Naruto looked like he was about to vomit while Kakashi looked mock hurt. "Me gay? Please I had a ton of girls back in the day," the grey haired Jonin said, while Naruto instinctively went next to Satsuki, still having a queasy expression.

"Anyways, let's do some training and some D Ranks today," Kakashi said. "Sensei, can't we just skip the D Rank missions? We all work well together and you and Naruto are enough to deal with any trouble," Satsuki said. Kakashi shook his head and said, "While it is true Naruto and I are strong, there are things in the shinobi world that can easily kill us. No matter what you do there is someone out there in the universe who is better than you."

Satsuki accepted this and so Team Seven did some light sparring. Kakashi mainly helped Hinata get up to speed with Naruto and Satsuki showing her chakra type which was water. He then helped Naruto master his Rasengan further giving him tips.

"Did you know, you can add an element to the Rasengan?" he asked Naruto. The blonde shook his head excited at the prospect. "Nobody has ever done it, not even your father even though we tried," Kakashi stated. He then weaved some hand signs and held the wrist of his right hand, focusing chakra at its palm. Eventually, pure blue lightning enveloped his hand. Naruto, Satsuki and Hinata looked at it in astonishment.

"This is the Chidori. It's not as powerful as the Rasengan but still very destructive. I attempted to add an element to it and got this. I know you can do it with enough training Naruto. What are your elemental affinities?" Kakashi asked cancelling the technique. "Wind and Fire," Naruto responded.

"Well try to add Wind to it, your shadow clones should help," Kakashi said then looked at Satsuki. "Since you have a lightning affinity I'll eventually teach you the Chidori." Satsuki's eyes grew stars and bowed to her sensei saying, "Thank you."

Kakashi then turned to Hinata. "I can teach you some powerful water jutsus, but inevitably your clan can offer you more than I ever can," he said to the girl. Hinata nodded in understanding. "Well then, let's do some mission," he announced with a sadistic grin on his face which gave everyone especially Naruto chills down their spines.


Naruto, Satsuki and Hinata were dirty. Dirty and angry. Dirty, angry and tired, well not Naruto for the last part. It was now near dusk and Kakashi said, "That's enough for today, good work everyone." "Everyone except for you!" Hinata growled out making Kakashi sweat drop.

He then felt a kunai behind his back and heard Naruto's voice say, "I am not cleaning dog shit again I'm a fucking A rank shinobi for Kami's sake."

Kakashi began sweating at the KI Naruto and the others were emitting and said, "Okay okay, we'll do a C Rank tomorrow chill. Meet me at the Hokage's office at 7 am sharp."

Naruto accepted this and with that Kakashi Body Flickered away. After a while Hinata couldn't take the silence anymore. "I read the bingo book yesterday, you're the Orange Flash right?" Hinata asked and Naruto nodded as Team Seven sat on a park bench to relax. "Wow. So if the Hokage knows why doesn't he just make you Jonin or something?" she queried. "The council wouldn't like it so I'm just going to have to work my way up fair and square so they can't say anything," Naruto replied determined. "Wait but why do they see you as the Kyuubi? Don't they trust their Hokage?" Hinata asked which made Naruto scratch his head.

Satsuki however cut in and said, "The Kyuubi did a lot of damage thirteen years ago. People just can't move on from that. Not everything is sunshine and roses...princess." Hinata grew a frown at her last word and growled, "What did you just call me?" "Princess," Satsuki said again smirking. Both of them stood from the bench a fight was about to breakout when Naruto appeared between them. "Calm both of yourselves. Satsuki stop provoking her," Naruto said making both of them 'hmph' and turn away frowning folding their arms.

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