Chapter 1

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'Just die already'
'Stay away from him, he's dangerous'
'You should've never been born'
'This is for making my life a living hell'
'Nobody will ever love you'

"JUST STOP!" a 5 year old Naruto Uzumaki exclaimed. His clothes were tattered and dirty, usually bright spiky blonde hair dirty, having a tinge of dirt from the ground on it and his face was very neutral, cerulean blue eyes holding no emotion. He opened his eyes wide and sat up, sweat streaming down his whole malnourished body. 'Oh, I wasn't found, thank Kami,' he thought as he got up from the grass he was laying around rubbed his eyes, stretched and yawned. The night was still pretty much young which dismayed Naruto greatly. 'I want some sleep, why can't these nightmares just stop!' He heaved a heaved a heavy sigh, slumping his shoulders when his stomach growled. 'Why? The lakes probably really cold right now.' he complained in his mind but his stomach growled again and he reluctantly began walking to find a lake in the forest he was in, dragging his legs while doing this.

When he found it, he jumped in and put his hands in the water, grabbing two fish which were unlucky enough to be travelling into his direction. Naruto then exited the lake, placing the fish on the ground, then lit a fire using wood he collected from the forest and began cooking the fish, putting them over the fire. The smell of the burning meat watered his mouth and he wore a small smile. 'If only life could be this peaceful,' he thought sadly. When he was satisfied the fish was ready to be consumed he sat back down on grass and devoured the fish hungrily and gratefully, ripping the meat with his hands filling his mouth with it till his cheeks were puffed out.

'Man, this is better than at the orphanage, I don't even get any at the orphanage.' And it was true. He ran away from the orphanage he resided in a week ago, and decided to reside in a forest called the Forest of Death. He knew people avoided it for good reason. There were many dangerous creatures lurking in it, so dangerous there was a gate surrounding the forest. This made it even better. Naruto wouldn't be disturbed by anybody. No more beatings, no more glares, no more neglect, he had everything. 'Yeah, I don't need anybody, just myself,' he thought cheerfully, smiling from ear to ear. 'Myself, for the rest of my life.' His happiness was slowly dying down as he thought, 'By myself for the rest of my life. Cause nobody will ever love me.'

He stopped eating and stared at the ground below him, the smile disappearing replaced by an emotionless, empty face, followed by a frown. "What the hell did I do to these people" he yelled, beating the ground. "I never asked for this. I never asked to be born! I don't remember hurting anyone! So why? WHY!? WHY!?" he yelled at the top of his lungs, punching the ground below until his fists began to bleed, tears flowing freely from his eyes. "WHY DO I HAVE NOBODY!? WHY DO OTHER KIDS GET TO PLAY WITH EACH OTHER WHILE I DON'T!? WHY DO OTHERS GET FOOD WHILE I GET SCRAPS, OR EVEN NOTHING!? WHY DO I GET BEATEN BY STRANGERS AND KIDS MY AGE FOR JUST WALKING!? WHY! WHY! WHY! WHY! WHYYYY!" he screamed at the top of his lungs still beating the Earth below him. " I DON'T SEE ANYBODY ELSE GOING THROUGH WHAT I GO THROUGH! WHY DO I HAVE NOBODY WHO LOVES ME!?"

He then fell on the ground, exhausted from his rant, tears streaming down his face while blood was dripping from his fists. 'I just want somebody, anybody to at least look at me normally. At least the Hokage at least checks on me. ' His ears perked up interrupting his thoughts when he heard the bloodthirsty roars of the creatures in the forest echoing throughout the night, most likely smelling the blood of Naruto. 'They're coming huh. Whatever, I guess it would be for the best,' Naruto thought, resigning to his fate. 'At least the pain would go away.'

Just then a man in black and grey armour, arm guards, and a spiral tattoo on their left shoulder wearing a bird mask appeared right in front of him and picked him up then they both disappeared and reappeared outside the gates of the forest. "Oh hello Mr.Anbu, you saved me huh, thank you," Naruto said with a small smile. However the Anbu didn't reply as they walked through the somewhat empty streets of Konohagakure. "So does the Hokage want me back to in the orphanage or what?" Naruto asked. Whenever he was being beaten by some villagers, which usually consisted of either one or three, after running away from the orphanage, he would be saved by strange men wearing masks, put in a hospital then returned to the orphanage. Rarely would he be taken to the Hokage.

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