The first task

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Moody began to walk closer as he threw Draco around. "Professor moody!" We heard McGonagal approach us as did the rest of the Gryffindor house. "What are you doing?" She asked in a panic. "Teaching" he said sharply as he continued to spin Draco around. "Is that a student?!" She pointed to it. "Technically it's a ferret" he began to put Draco down Crabs pants and as Goyle tried to take him out, he bit him. I couldn't help but laugh more, holding onto Harry. Professor McGonagal then flicked her wand, turning malfoy back into his usual shape. He turned, scared "my father will hear about this!" He yelled as moody chased him and he began to run. "Professor moody!" McGonagal yelled. "Alastor! We never use transfiguration as a punishment! Surely dumbledore told you that" she scolded. "He might have mentioned it" he mumbled. She then shushed away the Gryffindor house and fled with them. Moody turned to us, "You. Come with me" he demanded to Harry. He turned to look at me "I'll catch up with you later" he reassured me. I nodded and he left with moody.

The arena was filled with all of the students, each separated into there separate house. The champions were getting ready in a little tent outside the arena. I whispered to Harry on the out side of the tent. "Harry is that you?" I asked, hoping I wasn't talking to one of the others "yeah" he whispered back. "Are you feeling alright?" He didn't answer. My breath was shaky. "Just concentrate, don't let it trap you, after that just-"
"battle a dragon?" he cut me off, sarcastically. He didn't seem as nervous as I was, but he had a good way of not showing it. Hermione wanted to wish Harry good luck as well, but Ron wouldn't let her, selfish twat. I quickly entered the tent and tightly hugged Harry, practically jumping onto him. As soon as I did, the reporters took a photo. We slowly let go of each other as they walked towards us. "Young love" she sang "how... stirring. If everything goes.. unfortunately two may even make the front page!" She glistened as if it was a good thing. "You have no business here" Krum spoke up, "this tent is for champions and friends". "No matter, we've got what we wanted" she adjusted her top, staring at Krum. Ew.
Dumbledore entered the tent. He began speaking about how they will end as champions and what not as I held onto Harry. As he was speaking as he spotted me. "What are you doing here, Miss. Black?" He asked. "Oh, uhm.. support?" I stuttered. "Oh...Anyhow, gather round" he ordered as Crouch stood in front of us. He adjusted us the way he wanted, I stayed with Harry. He opened a bag and put it in front of Fleur. "Miss delacour, if you will" he pleaded. The bag was smoking and she flinched as she slowly put her hand in. She grabbed a dragon? Miniature versions of the real sized dragons. Her dragon was green. "Ah, the welsh green" crouch informed. He was quite cute, considering he was so small. He blew out a little bit of fire. "Mr krum" he pulled out a dragon, with an emotionless expression on his face. "The Chinese fireball, oooh" then to the next. Cedric. He was nervous, he couldn't hide it. His hands were shaking. He pulled one out, it was a weird yellowish-brown color. "The Swedish short snout" he said smiling. My hands grew sweaty as I was holding onto Harry. "Which leaves.." he began "the horntail" Harry whispered, the dragon Hagrid was warning us of.  He winced at he tried to grad it out of the bag. "The Hungarian horntail" oh god. It had a nasty spike tail, and spikes all around its back as well. I held Harry's hand tightly, the one that wasn't holding the dragon, causing him to wince, looking at me. "Sorry"  "These represent 4 very real dragons, each of which has been given a golden egg to protect, your objective: collect the egg" he explained. "For each egg contains a clue, without which, you cannot hope to proceed to the next task" he finished. Cedric was up first. He was nervous, very nervous, it was written all over his face. "Good luck" I said to him. "Thanks" he said calmingly, yet it made him more nervous. Soon Harry was the last. I would've watched the others, but he wanted me to stay with him. "Listen, there's no need to be as nervous as you are now. You can do this, if they can do it, I know you can. Your an excellent flier" I spoke softly. He seemed to have calmed down, but only because I was there. "Now our 4th and final contestant" Dumbledore spoke. "You've got this" I assured him, hugging him tight, as if I'd never see him again. I kissed him on the cheek and he looked surprised. I nudged him forward and he left the tent.
He entered the arena, everyone was screaming his name. I was more nervous than he was. He walked, it was silent. After a few steps he got plowed by the dragon. It blew fire at him. "Watch out!" I heard hermione scream. He turned to the side barely dodging it. I couldn't watch. I went back into the tent. I sat on one of the chairs and put my hands over my ears, I tried, but I couldn't silence the crowds screams. All of a sudden everything stopped. There were no more screams. It was silent. I left the tent to see what had happened. Nothing. Nothing happened, Harry was no where to be seen and neither was the dragon. A tear slipped from my eye. Then I saw him. "Yes!" I screamed. He was flying back, the dragon was gone and his broom was wonky but he made it.

Harry was celebrating in the Gryffindor house. I was in the library. It was too stressful to be there right now. My heart was still pounding from earlier and my hands were shaking. I dropped a book, and as I went to pick it up, someone picked it up for me, I huffed. "Blaise..." I began. "Where you been Ivy... we haven't seen you around as much" he said softly, as if he was sad. I couldn't even speak. I didn't know what to say. We both know exactly why I hadn't been around. I'd been too caught up with helping Harry, he had no one. Not with Ron being a bitch. "You've been to busy helping those freaks, you've forgot about your friends" he began. I could tell he was mad. "They needed me, Blaise. Now more than ever.." I spoke, not wanting to strike a nerve, but clearly I did. "He needed you? We're always there for you Ivy, always. And when we need you, your never around" I stumbled a little. It hurt to hear him say that, especially coming from Blaise. I didn't know he felt that way, but he's right, they're always there for me. I never apologized for snapping at Enzo, when all he's ever done is helped me and comforted me. "Blaise I-" he scoffed "save it. We're your friends too Ivy." He walked away. It hit me hard. His words. I couldn't choose, I couldn't choose between my two best friends, but clearly I had, without even thinking about it. I sat down at a table and cried as I read, thinking about everything. How nervous Cedric was, his lip was practically quivering, and he was the first to go. How Harry held onto me before he went. What Blaise said to me, the disappointment look on his face. The look that Enzo had on his face, the last time I talked to him.....


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