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Fast forward to three years later... now at year 4 at Hogwarts.....

It was dark. I heard creaking, as if someone were walking up a flight of stairs. They had a light, but once they heard talking, they shut it off. He stopped in front of a room, to see someone sitting in a chair, but in front of him was someone I recognized, Peter Pettigrew, and another man next to him, who I had previously seen in the papers. He referred to the man in the chair as "my lord" which only reminded me of one thing. The man looked down and saw a snake push by him, a large one, and he shuffled back. The snake than began to speak Parseltoungue, which I had read in a book one time after coming home from the zoo, learning that I could speak it as well. He whispered to the man in the chair that there was someone watching them, he then swiftly turned and yelled a spell at him, "Avada Kedavra" then a green light flashed from his wand and the man was immediately killed.
I then shot awake, huffing from the awful dream I had just had. Seeing that Hermione was Waking up Harry and Ron. "Hermione.." I said, slightly confused since I was still half asleep. I turned to my side and saw Harry shoving on his glasses. She yelled at Ron to awake. "Wake up Ron!" which then led him to awake and hide his garments. "Honestly, get up!" She fussed and then left. Harry and I got up as Ron began to lie back down. "You heard her Ronald" i warned, causing him to grown and slowly get up.
We then got up for breakfast and grabbed our bags to head out the door. We were walking through the forest when Harry spoke up "Where are we going?" He asked Ron and I. "I haven't the slightest idea" I answered. Ron then asked Arthur where we were headed. "Haven't the foggiest, keep up!" Was all he said. We then began to head to a near tree and met up with a man. "Arthur! It's about time" he said and Arthur quickly responded "sorry Amos, some of us had a bit of a sleepy start" he stated, turning to look at Harry, Ron and I. "This is Amos Diggory everyone" he introduced. We weren't paying the slightest bit of attention until someone continued to jump out of a tree. He was very handsome and tall... "and this strapping young lad must be Cedric" Arthur said, shaking his hand. Cedric shifted his eyes, scanning through us, he looked at me and we made eye contact, he didn't look away until Arthur pleaded for them to walk. Hermione then looked back at me. I nodded and began to catch up to her, now walking with her and Ginny.

We then made it to a hill "it's just over there!" Amos signaled to us. What is? I don't see anything. We then began to form a circle around an old boot on top of the hill. He then told us to put our hand on the boot "1..2..3!" He said, everything began to spin, we flew upward and into some portal thing. He then told us to left go of the boot "What!" Hermione protested "let go!" He said again, repeating himself. We all let go, screaming all the way down. We were then all roughly shoved onto the ground. We looked up and saw Arthur, Amos and Cedric gracefully walking down. Everyone got up and started to continue walking. Cedric helped Harry and I up "thank you" I said to him and he nodded, running back up to his father. "Welcome to the quidditch World Cup" Arthur announced.
I immediately noticed how crowded it was, there were small tents all over the place and people everywhere. Cedric and Amos separated from us and Arthur took us to a small tent. "Home Sweet Home" he said. "What?" Harry said, looking at the small tent. We walked into the tent, one by one, seeing how it instantly became larger on the inside. Me Hermione and Ginny chose a bunk, George and Fred sat at the table and Harry stood at the entrance, dumb founded by the works of magic.

The arena was brilliant, we continued to walk up flights of stairs, seeing how many people were here. "Blimey dad, how far up are we" Ron asked, excitedly. "Well put it this way" we heard a voice speak up from below us, "if it rains, you'll be the first to know" Lucious Malfoy. I felt anger grow within me, the Malfoys have continued to taunt us for years. Draco then began to brag about where they were sitting, as always, when I noticed they had another person with them, staring at me, Enzo. "Don't boast, Draco. There's no need to with these people" luscious continued. The Malfoy's always took Enzo to events like these since his parents were always busy and didn't care for them. Harry then began to grab my arm and push us away from them, until he was stopped, by Luscious who latched his cane onto the tip of Harry's shoe. "Do enjoy yourself, won't you? While you can" he said in a nasty tone. I kicked his cane off of Harry's foot. "We will" I spat at him, causing his eyes to shift from Harry to me, in disbelief. "Bye Enzo" I smiled, shifting my eyes to him as I grabbed Harry's arm and pulled every one else with us away from them.

We then made our way to our row, the very top, I stood between Ron and Harry, and watched how each team was announced. "There's Irish" Harry spoke. "There's Troy!" "And Merlin" "and Moran!" We began to name players that we had known of. "Here come the Bulgarians!" They screamed as the mood then changed from green to red. "Who's that!" Ginny yelled pointing at one of the players. "That, sis, is the best seeker in the world!" George answered. "KRUM!" We all yelled. "Let the match... begin" the announcer spoke. Cheering echoed throughout the whole arena.

The game then ended as we were back in the tent. George and Fred were circling around with Irish flags while Ron and Harry were preaching about how amazing Krum is "there's no one like krum" Ron began "dumb krum?" George said as him and Fred pranced around the room making animal noises. I couldn't help but laugh at all the chaos. " he's like a bird...how he rides the wind, he's an artist" Ron continued. "I think your in love Ron" Ginny stated, causing him to mumble a 'shut up' to her. George and Fred began to sing to Ron, I jumped on Harry's back as we began to sing with them. We heard loud noises outside, then Arthur hushed us. "We've got to get out of here" he said, causing all of our smiles to drop....


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