𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚘𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚎

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"Your attention please" Dumbledore yelled sternly, hushing us. He went on to tell us that the tasks were dangerous and the winner would obtain in eternal glory. I had failed to listen to his heartfelt speech, considering I already knew all there was to know about it.
The sky then boomed, rain pouring on us, I ducked my head and put my hand over Pansy. The ceiling was then quieted by a blast, we all turned to see what had caused it, "bloody hell, it's Mad-eye Moody" I spoke, not meaning to say it out loud. "Alistair Moody? The Auror?" Pansy asked. "Auror?" Blaise asked in question. "Dark wizard catcher" I answered him. Moody then walked to the corner of the room and pulled a flask out of his pocket, "What do you suppose he's drinking?" Theo asked as moody took a sip out of the flask. "I don't know but I don't think it's pumpkin juice.." Enzo answered. Dumbledore announced that the head of IMC, Mr. Bartemius Crouch, was going to make a change within the rules of the tournament. Mr crouch stood up and walked to Dumbledore, shaking his hand, he then turned to face us and began to speak, "After due consideration, the Ministry has concluded that, for there own safety, no student under the age of seventeen.." he began, students had already began to shout at how ridiculously strict they were with the rules this year. "Shall be able to put there name forward for the triwizard tournament" he ended. More shouting occurred. "Silence!" Dumbledore yelled harshly, taking his wand and reveling a flame. "The Goblet of Fire" he spoke. "Anyone wishing to submit themselves to the tournament, need only write there name upon a piece of parchment and throw it into the flame. As for this moment, the triwizard tournament has begun"....

The next morning Pansy woke me up at the same time she does every morning. I dressed into my robe, brushed my hair and helped Pansy brush hers. We ran out of the dormitory and caught up with the rest of the group. They were talking about our new defense against the dark arts teacher. "I assume it's going to be moody" I spoke. "Oh yeah? How so?" Enzo asked, throwing an arm around me. "Dumbledore called him here for a reason, he wouldn't be here for anything else" I said. "Hmm" he hummed.
We made it to the classroom, and there he was, moody. I smiled at Enzo and he rolled his eyes at me and motioned for me to sit by him. I flipped him off and grabbed Theo's hand, startling him, "sit with me?" I asked and he aggressively nodded at me, causing me to laugh. I pulled him and we sat behind Ron and Harry. I let go of Theo's hand and listened to moody as he spoke. "First, which of you can tell me, how many unforgivable curses there are?" He asked, "3, sir" I answered. "And they are so named" he asked me as he began to write on the chalk bored. "Because they are unforgivable... the use of any one of them will-" he cut me off  "earn you a one way ticket to Azkaban, correct" he ended. "The ministry says you are too young to know what these curses do, I say different!" He preached. "You need to know what your up against! You need to be prepared!" He continued, aggressively speaking. "You need to find another place to put your chewing gum besides the underside of your desk, mr finnigan!" He yelled, calling out Seamus. "Ugh no way, the old codger can see out the back of his head" Seamus whispered to the person next to him. "And hear across classrooms" moody said, throwing his piece of chalk at him. "So, which curse shall we see first?" He asked softly, "Weasley!" He yelled, my head snapping up at the name. "yes" Ron answered weakly, "Stand" moody ordered and Ron followed, slowly standing. "Give us a curse" he told him. "Well... my dad did tell me about one" Ron began, "the imperious curse" he ended. "Oh yes, your father would know all about that one, it gave the ministry quite a bit of grief a few years ago" moody stated "perhaps this will show you why..." he said walking over to his desk, pulling a spider out of a draw and enlarging it. "Imperio" he spelled it, then moved it onto the first desk, controlling it. He continued to leap it around the room, throwing it at people. It hovered above Ron and I almost squealed, if there's one thing I hate most in this world, it's spiders. I grabbed Theos hand and held it tightly.
He lightly rubbed his thumb back and forth, on the back of my hand. Moody then noticed Draco laughing and threw it onto his face, I couldn't help but smile at his reaction, begging Crab to take it off of him. "What should I have her do next?!" Moody asked "Jump out the window... drown herself?" He grew more serious. "Another?" He asked and I slowly raised my hand. "Ah, Black, isn't it?" He asked. I nodded in return. "Up, up" he ordered. "The Cruciatus curse" I spoke. "Correct! Correct, come come" he motioned to me. I Slowly walked up to his desk and stood to the side of it. "The torture curse" he lightly spoke. "Crucio!" He spelled. The spider immediately began to squirm and squeal. I shifted back, covering my ears at the noise. It became more unbearable by the second. I scrunched my nose in discomfort. "Stop it! Cant you see it's bothering her!" Hermione yelled out "STOP IT!" he snapped out of his trance and undid the curse. My pulse stopped rising. But I continued to feel uncomfortable. The spider shoveled up and backed away, scared. It did nothing wrong. I stood there as Moody set the spider on Hermiones desk. You could tell she was also mildly uncomfortable, she refused to give him the last curse. "Avada Kedavra" he spat at the spider, I flinched as the spider was zapped, lying dead on Hermiones desk. "The killing curse", he began, "only one person is known to have survived it" he looked at Harry "and he's sitting in this room". I couldn't move. I didn't want to stay there and stand like an idiot, but I couldn't bring myself to move. "Ivy", Theo spoke softly,
He grabbed my hand and led me to the doorway with the others. "Are you alright" he asked. I squeezed his hand tightly and nodded. I tried to fake a smile but he wasn't convinced. We were walking down the flight of stairs, Enzo and Blaise staying close, when I saw Harry Ron and Hermione standing by the window seal. As we reached them, they turned to look at me, I let go of Theo's hand and motioned for them to leave, and of course, they didn't move "go" I spoke and pushed them lightly away. "Are you ok?" I said, turning to Hermione, embracing her in a hug. "We should be asking you that question" Harry spoke up putting his hand on my shoulder. "I still don't understand why you hang out with them" Ron spoke, referring to the group of Slytherins I had just shoved away. "They mean well, really" I answered, hugging Ron lightly and he gave me a light smile in return. I then hugged Harry, "see you later" I said, lightly putting my hand on Hermiones shoulder as I walked away. "She's not ok" Harry spoke. "I mean, did you see the look on her face when she saw that spider" Ron said. "She's bloody terrified of them" he finished.

It began to poor outside. We had to shield ourselves with our robes to make it to the great hall, where students continued to fill the goblet of fire with a simple writing of there name. There he was, being pushed in to the great hall by the rest of his house, Cedric. They pushed him into the circle to put his name into the fire. I couldn't help but stare at him, he was tall, kind, gentle, handsome, and I loved to watch him smile. The way his eyes lit up, he was so respectful, everything you'd want in a man. He put his name into the goblet, the in one swift movement, he turned and make eye contact with me. I smiled and he looked away as he was shoved away by his friends. "Cedric?" Enzo spoke up, in a 'disgusted' tone. "You can do so much better than that" he spoke as if he was right. He didn't even believe his own words once they came out of his mouth, in truth, it doesn't get better than Cedric. "Stop it Lorenzo" he knew when to stop when I said his name full, and not just Enzo. "He's twice the man he'll ever be" I couldn't help it. He blinked at me, flushed. He backed away, like my words had just hit him in the heart like a dagger. I didn't mean too, I just snapped. Cedric was different, like he wouldn't want anything from me or ask me to do anything for him. "Cedric what?" Blaise asked. I shushed him, as he was talking very loudly. "Ivy fancies Diggory?" Blaise asked playfully, I rolled my eyes and looked away from him tensely, going back to studying Cedric.

"Yes!!!!" We hearing screaming coming in from the door, I didn't even have to look to know who was making the noise. The twins, I wonder what stupid plan they've come up with this time. They ran through, everyone applauding them. "Well lads, we've done it, cooked it up this morning" they spoke. An aging potion, practical. Hermione tried to tell them that it wouldn't work, but of course, they didn't listen.

Dumbledore had drawn an age circle around the fire, keeping out students below the age requirements. Nonetheless, They drank the potion and jumped into the circle anyway...For a second, Nothing happened, they cheered once again and slowly threw there names into the fire. Then the goblet spit there names out and threw them out of the circle. I couldn't help but laugh as they started to grow grey hair as they had mixed the potion up wrong and began to fight, blaming each other for there mistakes. Then, the crowd grew silent, Krum walked in with his professor, he put his name into the fire, then glanced at Hermione and walked away. I looked at Hermione as she smiled at him...



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