𝙷𝚘𝚠 𝚒𝚝 𝚋𝚎𝚐𝚊𝚗..

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After Ron, was Harry.
The sorting hat seemed to have a hard time choosing where to place him. But as his final decision, he chose..
Harry happily ran down the steps to Ron. He wished me a good luck on the way and I nodded, thanking him...

It felt like I was standing there for forever. There were only five of us still standing, including me. I was fiddling with the ring on my finger when my head snapped up, hearing my own name...

"Ivory.... Tatum.... Black" she announced, painfully slow. Earning shocked expressions and whispering from the sorted tables. I slowly walked up the steps and looked around seeing everyone's eyes on me. I sat down on the chair and closed my eyes. Please nothing boring. Like Hufflepuff...

"Hmm you have a very powerful mind, but a very strong will....I shall put you in... Slytherin!"

He announced. There must be some mistake. I turned to look at Ron and he looked shocked, if not, even more shocked than I was.

I slowly made my way to the Slytherin table. I was walking to an empty seat until I felt an arm grab me. I turned quickly only to see pansy. She sat me down between her and someone else I had never seen.

"Hi. I'm Lorenzo, but you can call me Enzo". He introduced himself to me. He was very handsome, he had dark brown hair and dark eyes. "I'm Ivy, I-I mean Ivory" I stuttered, internally cringing at how foolish I sounded. He laughed, not making me feel any better. "Ivy" he stated "I like that". I tried my hardest not to blush, but by the look on his face, I clearly did. He continued to smile at me before we were interrupted by another voice. "Hi, I'm Blaise" he said, I turned to look in front of us as he continued to talk, "this is Theo" he stated, pointing to the boy next to him, my eyes shifted to look at him, and my pulse began to speed up. He was immensely  attractive. His eyes were a darker blue and he had dirty blond hair, he seemed to be studying my face which caused me to look back at Blaise to ease the tension. "Im ivory" I said to him. He was very intimidating. He smiled, "I see you've met Enzo" he teased, hinting that he had witnessed our conversation. Pansy let out out a laugh. "You don't have to talk to him if you don't want to, I know he can be pushy" she stated, motioning to Blaise. I smiled at her as we continued to talk about classes and the guys talked about who they fancied at our table. I laughed at something pansy had said as I turned and made eye contact with Theo. As I had caught his stare, he immediately looked away. As I turned to look back at Pansy, I noticed Draco sitting on the other side of her, talking to Blaise. I looked away quickly and I couldn't help but catch a glance of Hermione across the room, laughing with Ron and Harry. I couldn't help but frown, realizing that they were to spend there whole year together, without me. Ron would eventually forget about me and grow more fond of them instead. Pansy seemed to have caught my frown and put a hand on my shoulder "they'll be fine without you" she said softly. "Yeah, that's what I'm worried about" I whispered to myself.

We began walking up the staircases, my arm linked with Pansy's, "this way Slytherin" we were told. I will never get used to people calling me a Slytherin. We followed the upperclassman "keep an eye on the staircases, they like to change" he stated. Change? I would've asked what he meant until I felt another arm link with mine, I turned and I saw Enzo. I smiled brightly at him which then earned me a smile back. "Quickly, this way. Follow me" the upperclassman spoke. We walked up the steps and spotted the paintings. "The pictures are moving" I spoke. "There are people inside of em" Enzo whispered into my ear sending a shiver down my spine. "Welcome to Hogwarts" one of the men spoke and I smiled brightly at him. I felt a tug at my arm as Pansy was pulled away from me by Blaise. And I caught another glance at Theo. Who was eyeballing me and Enzo, harshly. We then walked up to a lady who asked the boy for a password and we walked through a door. "Welcome to the Slytherin common room" he stated I looked around at the green furniture and warm lights. There was a fireplace and many couches. "Boys dormitory is upstairs and down to your left, girls, the same on your right. You'll find that all of your belongings have already been brought up". "See you tomorrow" Enzo whispered to me as he parted ways. Pansy grabbed my hand and pulled me with her. "Come on" she said excitedly. We walked up the stairs and to the dormitory. It was a large room with many large beds. There was a window seal by each of them. We all got dressed and headed to bed.

I was trying hard to sleep but I started panicking at how dark it was. At home I had a little light with me when ever I slept. I was very afraid of the dark. My father once told me that I wasn't afraid of the dark, but perhaps what was in it. You can't see anything in the dark and that's what scared me about it... I got out of bed quietly and sat by the window seal and opened the windows. I sat with my white bird that Professor Dumbledore assigned me. I haven't figured out what I want to name him yet but nonetheless, I love him so much, he's my favorite thing at this bloody school at the moment. His fur is so soft and I love the little face that he makes when I pet him. I continued to look out the window until I grew dreary and fell asleep.

I woke up late. Nobody was in the dormitory. Shit. I quickly grabbed my book, changed into my robe, brushed my hair, and fled. As I was going down the stairs to reach the common room I ran into Harry and Ron. "Bloody hell Ivy what are you doing here?" Ron asked. "I woke up late.." I stated. "Us too" Harry spoke, a little relieved that they weren't the only ones. "Well come on we're already late" I rushed, them following behind me. We ran into the classroom. Everyone turning there heads to look at us then back at there work. "Whew, we made it" Ron huffed, "could you imagine the look on McGonagals face if we were late" we stopped walking and I saw a cat on her desk. "Ron hush" I said just as the cat began to grow and shape into professor McGonagal. "That was bloody brilliant" Ron stated, trying to flatter her out of punishing us. I almost laughed but then remembered how serious this could get. "Thank you for that assessment mr Weasley" she said sarcastically. "Perhaps you would be more useful if I were to transfigure you three into a pocket watch, that way at least one of you will make it to my class on time" she said. "We got lost" Harry blurted. "Well then perhaps a map..I trust you don't need one to find your seats" she finished, then walking away from us, I went to sit by Pansy and Theo as Ron and Harry sat by Hermione. Ron turned around and shot me one more smile and I did the same.

"Are you and Ron together?" I heard him say, I turned to look at Theo and caught his eyes. They're so pretty. "W-who? Me and Ron?" I asked, stuttering like an idiot. He smiled and nodded. "Oh no we're like siblings, we grew up together" I simply stated. He nodded and went back to his work, as did I. I couldn't help but glance at him every now and then, studying his features. The way he would frown when he was concentrated, the way he would run his fingers through his hair, the way his eyelashes would flutter every time he blinked. His face was very chizzled, his nose fit his face perfectly, his eyebrows were dark and his hair was very fluffy. I didn't even realize I was staring until he turned to me and made a confused face. "Sorry" I whispered to him, turning away immediately, internally cursing myself once again for how awkward I am. "It's alright, I don't mind" he smiled, turning to look back at his work. I tried my hardest not to smile but I couldn't help it.......


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