Part 2

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In advance, I apologize for any incorrect grammar!


Readers POV

The night went by pretty quick, maybe it was because I couldn't stop thinking about everything that happen at the meeting but also because I would be set off to marry some stranger that I have never met. My family will call me delusional but I wanted to find love at my own time, go on dates, and actually marry someone out of love. Unlike them, I'm pretty sure all of them only married for the wealth that they would own with each other.

I sigh and turn to my side, pulling the covers above my head to keep the light from reaching my face. This feels like a horrible nightmare and for some reason this seemed to bother me way more then the financial problem my family was having at the time. I shut my eyes tightly and hoped that I would once again fall asleep to escape into my own reality for at least a few more hours, but of course..things don't go as plan for me as it seemed.

"(M/n) is time to wake up. Your uncle is back.." I heard my mom mumble the last part, only making me whine under the covers and hold on to them tightly as I felt my mom tug against them. "Come on (M/n) have to do this. For us." She said.

This only made me realize why I accepted the proposal at the first place. For my parents. I quietly sigh and soon let go of the covers and my mom finally pulled them off of me. I laid there, looking at the side with no energy to get up, but with the soft tug my mom gave my arm made me slowly start to get up and actually sit up for the day.

"I'll be down in a minute mother" I mumbled and glance up at her. Her eye-bags were very noticeable and it only hurt me more that I wasn't the only one worrying but it was also my parents. I stood up and gave my mom a soft smile before she could walk out.

Now all alone, I stare off into space, soon snapping out of it, and getting ready to meet up with my uncle but I was pretty sure that almost the whole family would also be there to hear the news. As soon as I got change to something simple yet nice enough for the gathering, I made my way towards the meeting room. I didn't rush myself and I didn't bother to even walk a bit faster to get fact, I wished the ground would just open up and swallow me whole.

Standing outside the door, I took in a deep breath and open the doors wide. I walked in and slowly maid my way in between everyone until I stopped right beside my parents. I looked up and glance around at everyone, seeing some of them with serious faces and others with a wide grin on their faces. Hearing my uncles fake cough made me finally glance over at him, my eyes searching his face for any answers that would probably mean that what they had planned failed but no matter how much I searched, there was nothing.

"I talked to the Tengen family, they all had accepted our offer of an arranged marriage." He said with a wide grin across his lips. Loud laughter and conversation started to fill up the room as everyone talk about what a great deal it was. I kept my head low and held back what I wanted to say as I felt the slight grip of my mothers hold against the back of my shirt.

"We have also talked about when the wedding will be held and we both agreed to do it as fast as possible. So ladies and gentlemen, get ready to make the Tengen family feel as welcome as our own!!" He laughed and stepped away to talk to the other people before making his way over towards me and my parents.

I held a slight glare towards him but all it cause was for him to smile even more brighter then when he was talking to the whole family. "Get ready dear, your marriage will be coming soon. Make sure you please your husband well and behave with the family." He said and patted my shoulder as he soon walked away, making me look at the back of his head in disgust.

"I'm so sorry (M/n)" My mom said as she tugged the back of my shirt even more. I could feel her hand start to shake and hear the quiet sobs that she tried to hold in. My father just stood still and held my mom in his arms. 'I'm doing this for them' I reminded myself as I turn around and put on a soft smile for them both. "It's okay Mother, please don't cry. I'll be alright." I spoke lies as I wrapped my arms around the both of them.

I finished trying to calm down both of my parents and when I noticed they were a bit more calmed, I excused myself and walked away. I made my way out of the castle like house we own and made my way to the garden. It was big and the flowers were very beautiful at the time, the view almost made me forget about everything but it also helped me to gather my thoughts together and calm myself down.

I spend a long time outside that even the sun was starting to settle down. I was pretty deep into the garden, laying down on one of the benches that was scattered around the place. I had my eyes close and I was pretty calm from all the fresh air I was receiving but that all stopped when I heard a cracking noise. This made me instantly open my eyes and slowly sit up.

'Was it a demon?' I asked myself but shook it off, staying still and quiet in one place as I heard the soft cracking noises get closer but as well as foot steps. I held in my breath and quickly try to get up from my seat but as I've notice, so far the feature hasn't held anything nicely for me as soon as I felt my face collide with the floor. I lifted my face off of the floor and slowly open my eyes and all I saw in the grass was a big shadow over me.

𝘼𝙧𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚 (𝘛𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘯 𝘜𝘻𝘶𝘪 𝘟 𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳)Where stories live. Discover now