Can I Sleep In Here?

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The room was cloaked in the hushed embrace of the night, with only the occasional rustle of leaves outside the window to break the silence. A soft, almost imperceptible sound cut through the stillness, brushing against Jef's ears, coaxing him out of sleep. It was Good's voice, a gentle beckoning, like a distant melody that held the promise of something beautiful.

Jef, caught in the final throes of slumber's sweet oblivion, emitted a faint groan. He was hesitant to leave behind the comforting realm of dreams, but the persistent call of his friend was hard to ignore.

"Pumpkin," Good's voice was no longer a gentle murmur but a taunting whisper, enticing Jef from his slumber. Another groan slipped from Jef's lips. "Pumpkin, wake up," Good repeated, his voice tinged with sleepiness, yet carrying an undertone of panic. He shook Jef with a calculated force, forcibly pulling him away from his sanctuary of dreams.

Jef rubbed his eyes, finally succumbing to consciousness. "What?" he mumbled, his voice husky with drowsiness.

Good crossed his arms in a posture of defiance, noticed the growing tension in the room. He swallowed hard, struggling to articulate his thoughts. "Can I sleep in here with you?"

Jef, still grappling with the lingering haze of slumber, blinked at him, his gaze clouded with bewilderment. "Huh? What did you say?"

The words hung in the air. Good's reluctance to repeat his request only heightened the charged atmosphere. Seconds ticked by in an uneasy silence until Jef broke it with a reassuring, "No, I genuinely didn't hear you."

Good bit his lip, cringing internally. "Can I... sleep with you?" He managed to voice his desire, the words mumbled as they escaped his lips.

Jef shot up in bed, instantly alert. "What!? You mean like... sex!?"

A surge of panic coursed through Good, but he quickly clarified, "No! No! Fuck no!" Jef exhaled in relief, visible tension evaporating from his shoulders. "I meant... like... sleep in your room?" He averted his gaze, unable to meet Jef's eyes. "Forget it, it's stupid," Good muttered as he started to leave.

"Good," Jef stopped him. "Of course you can sleep in here," he said with a bemused smile. "I'm just... confused? Sorry," Jef chuckled nervously, his emotions a swirl of curiosity and concern.

"Are you sure?" Good watched Jef carefully.

"Positive," Jef replied. Good felt a flicker of security as he saw Jef scoot over in his bed, making space for him.

With a light blush staining his soft cheeks, Good cautiously joined Jef in the bed. "I can... sleep on the floor if you'd rather," he offered, not daring to believe that this was really happening.

"I don't mind," Jef assured him.

Their proximity triggered a heightened awareness of each other's presence. Jef cleared his throat, breaking the tension. "Why did you want to sleep in here?"

Good hesitated, carefully choosing his words. "There was a disturbing image on my computer that freaked me out." He cringed at the memory, looking away from his friend.

"Freak you out? I've never seen you afraid of anything!" Jef exclaimed, his surprise evident.

"Jef, it... it was truly unsettling," Good confessed, his gaze still averted. "Some asshole sent it to my email. It's nauseating to even think about." He shuddered at the memory. "It's 4 AM, and I just don't want to be alone with that haunting my thoughts."

Understanding washed over Jef's face. "Oh... I'm sorry about that, Good."

"It happens. It's fine," Good replied.

Jef took Good's hand in his, and Good inhaled sharply, his eyes locking onto their intertwined fingers. "Good, I really am sorry that happened to you."

A warm sensation spread through Good as he looked at Jef's caring expression. "It's fine," he repeated, trying not to seem bothered. "Thanks... Or whatever." He looked away.

Feeling more secure, Jef inched closer, resting his head on Good's chest. Their hands still interlocked carefully. Good's heart raced as he tried to keep his nervous breaths steady.

"Good...?" Jef's voice was a soft whisper, barely audible in the quiet of the room.

"Pumpkin," Good replied, his voice tender and affectionate.

"I'm glad you're here..." Jef admitted, his words carrying a weight of unspoken emotions.

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