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Kylie's pov:

A full week has already passed, and today is the day my sister Kendall is expected to arrive for her fashion show. Throughout the week, I've been consistently meeting up with Benjamin for lunch almost every day, and our conversations have been growing more frequent. It's all going so well, but you know the saying nothing good ever lasts for ever.

'Ring' I picked up my phone from next to my computer. I was in the office today while Stormi stayed at the hotel with the babysitter. "Hello?" I answered, recognizing Kendall's voice on the other end.

"Hey Kyles, I just arrived, and now I'm on my way to the fashion show. Are you almost done at the office?" Kendall's words filled my ears with anticipation.

"Uh, yeah, I was just catching up on some emails, but don't worry, I'll be there," I replied, reassuring her.

"Okay, I guess I'll see you later then. Bye, love you!" Kendall expressed before ending the call. With a sigh and a gentle rub on my temples, I placed the phone back down on the table and leaned back in my chair, it has been a long day.

I rose from my seat and began to gather my belongings, carefully packing my computer and important documents that awaited my signature when I found a moment of respite. With everything neatly stowed away, I glanced at the time displayed on my phone. It read 8:16 pm. Kendall's fashion show wasn't scheduled to begin until 9:00 pm, granting me ample time to make my way without rushing.

Leaving my office behind, I headed towards the elevator. Pressing the button, I patiently waited for the doors to slide open. The familiar 'ding' signaled the elevator's arrival, and I stepped inside, pressing the button for the lobby. As the doors sealed shut, the elevator initiated its descent. With each passing floor, I felt the anticipation building within me. Upon reaching the ground floor, the doors parted, allowing me to step out. Exiting the building, I made my way towards Noah's car, greeting him with a quick "Hello" before slipping inside the car.

"Can you take me to the hotel first? I need to change out of these clothes," I requested to Noah, who promptly replied, "Certainly, Miss Jenner." Throughout the ride, I kept my eyes closed, resting my head against the window. Lately, I had been feeling unusually drained, perhaps due to work. Even though I had experienced busy periods before, this level of exhaustion felt different.

"We're here, Miss Jenner," Noah's voice interrupted my thoughts. I opened my eyes and leaned away from the window, thanking him. "Can you wait here? I won't be long." Once he nodded in confirmation, I stepped out of the car.

Entering the hotel's elevator, I ascended to my designated floor. As the doors slid open, I made my way towards my room, retrieving the key card from my pocket. Swiping it, I patiently waited for the light to turn green, granting me access. With a gentle push, I opened the door, only to be nearly tackled to the floor by the enthusiastic embrace of my daughter.

"Mommy! You're home!" she squealed with excitement. Despite my exhaustion, I crouched down and hugged her tightly. "Hey, baby, how was your day?" I asked, genuinely interested in her response.

"It was good! We played with the toys and watched the trolls," she answered with enthusiasm.

"Wow, sounds like you had an amazing day, princess," I replied, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead before standing back up. "Baby, why don't you go play with your toys for a little while? Mommy needs to talk to the nanny quickly."

"Okay," she agreed, disappearing into her bedroom to engage in play. I made my way to the kitchen where the nanny, Lana, was packing up her belongings.

"Hey, Lana, do you mind staying with Stormi until tomorrow? My sister is in London for a fashion show, and we usually go out to clubs afterwards. I'm not sure when we'll be back. I can pay you double for the overnight stay," I requested, expressing my concern.

{Kylie Jenner x Male OC} Travel to LondonWhere stories live. Discover now