Day at the park

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third person pov: (I wanted to try with him on this one)

The sun gently peeked through the curtains of Benjamin's lavish bedroom, signaling the start of a new day. As a talented soccer player, he had a busy schedule filled with rigorous training sessions and matches. Benjamin's day began with the energetic bounding of his loyal companion, Cosmo, a spirited Doberman puppy almost not a puppy anymore. With his wagging tail and playful demeanor, Cosmo provided a sense of warmth and happiness to Benjamin's mornings. The two shared a special bond, one that formed the day Benjamin found him. The memory started to play in his head like it happened yesterday.



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Benjamin had just returned from a challenging match that ended in defeat. The weight of disappointment pressed heavily on his shoulders as he walked through the quiet streets, seeking solace in the solitude of the night. As he passed by a dimly lit alley, he heard faint whimpers, stirring his curiosity. Investigating the source of the distress, Benjamin discovered a cardboard box tucked away in a corner. With trepidation, he opened the box, revealing a shivering, malnourished Doberman puppy. Cosmo's innocent eyes met Benjamin's, filled with fear and longing. A surge of empathy washed over Benjamin as he tenderly scooped up the defenseless pup. Cosmo's fragile body trembled against his chest, a poignant reminder of the vulnerability they both shared. Overwhelmed by a sense of purpose, Benjamin vowed to provide Cosmo with the love and care he so desperately needed.

As Benjamin brought Cosmo home, the grandeur of his house contrasted sharply with the little puppy's pitiful state. It was a place of opulence and extravagance, with maids bustling about attending to every detail. But Benjamin knew that material possessions could never replace the warmth of a true companion.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. Benjamin poured his heart into nursing Cosmo back to health. He worked tirelessly to undo the physical and emotional scars that marked the puppy's past. Slowly but surely, Cosmo began to blossom under Benjamin's unwavering love, finding solace in the soccer player's presence.

However, as Benjamin witnessed Cosmo's progress, a profound sadness washed over him. He realized that Cosmo's vulnerability mirrored his own, a reflection of the wounds they both carried deep within. The realization of their shared pain strengthened their bond, intertwining their stories in an unbreakable thread of understanding.

Flashback over

The soccer player got out of bed, the doberman puppy running out the door once his owner got up. He walked into the bathroom to start his routine. Stepping into the lavish en suite bathroom, Benjamin turned on the cascading waterfall shower, adjusting the temperature to his liking. The warm water enveloped his body, washing away the remnants of sleep and invigorating his senses. He reached for his favorite aromatic body wash, its fragrance enveloping the air as he lathered it onto his skin, indulging in the refreshing sensation. The water gently cascaded over his athletic frame, reinvigorating his muscles and preparing him for the challenges that lay ahead.

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