An Unexpected Encounter

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Sunlight streamed through the sheer curtains, casting a gentle glow across the room. Kylie slowly blinked her eyes open, her vision adjusting to the brightness of the morning. She let out a soft yawn, stretching her arms above her head. It had been a restless night, filled with dreams and thoughts that lingered on the edge of her consciousness.

As she sat up in bed, she reached for her phone, scrolling through the notifications that had accumulated overnight. A faint smile appeared on her lips as she saw a message from her sister, Khloe. They had spoken at length the previous night about Kylie's encounter with Benjamin, the charismatic soccer player she had met at the photoshoot. Kylie put her phone on her bedside table and looked up at the ceiling, contemplating her sister's advice. Khloe had encouraged her to seize the opportunity and explore the connection she had felt with Benjamin. "You never know," Khloe had said. "Sometimes, fate has a way of bringing people back together."

Now, in the calmness of the morning, doubts began to seep in. Kylie had always been cautious when it came to matters of the heart, guarding herself against the possibility of getting hurt. Her busy life, as a businesswoman and a mother to her five-year-old daughter, Stormi, often left little room for romantic entanglements. With a sigh, Kylie pushed her thoughts aside and swung her legs over the side of the bed, her feet touching the plush carpet. It was time to focus on the day ahead, on her work and the challenges that awaited her. She had recently taken over the London branch of her cosmetics company, and there were several issues that needed her attention.

As she made her way to the bathroom, Kylie caught sight of herself in the mirror. The reflection staring back at her was that of a confident, successful woman, but beneath the composed exterior, a whirlwind of emotions churned. She splashed water on her face, hoping the cool sensation would anchor her thoughts. A familiar voice echoed through the hallway, accompanied by the sound of little footsteps. "Mommy!" Stormi's voice called out, filled with excitement. Kylie's heart skipped a beat as she realized her daughter was awake. Stormi's presence always brought a sense of joy and grounding to her life.

"Mama, I had a dream about unicorns," Stormi exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with imagination. Kylie chuckled, her worries momentarily forgotten. "Tell me all about it, baby. I want to hear every magical detail."

They settled on the couch, Kylie's mind now fully present with her daughter. As Stormi animatedly described her dream, Kylie found herself completely engrossed in the moment. The laughter and innocence that filled the room provided a respite from the complexities of adult life. But even as Kylie listened to Stormi's tales, her thoughts wandered back to Benjamin. She couldn't help but feel a slight pang of distraction tugging at her. It was as if a thread had been woven between them, one that she couldn't easily unravel. She wondered if he was thinking about her too, if their paths would cross again.

"Mama, are you listening?" Stormi's voice broke through Kylie's reverie, snapping her back to the present.

Kylie blinked, refocusing her attention on her daughter. "I'm sorry, baby. I got lost in my thoughts for a moment there. Please, continue."

Stormi giggled, oblivious to her mother's momentary distraction. She launched into another vivid description of her unicorn adventure, capturing Kylie's undivided attention once more. As Kylie listened to Stormi, a sense of gratitude washed over her. She realized that regardless of what the future held, her true fulfillment lay in the love she shared with her daughter and the meaningful work she was doing to shape her business empire. Benjamin, as captivating as he may be, was merely a passing thought in the grand tapestry of her life.

An hour had pass like nothing and Kylie now stood before the expansive floor-to-ceiling windows of her suite in London, taking in the breathtaking view of the city skyline from her room. The suite is now her temporary home, a base from which she would tackle the challenges plaguing her struggling branch. Determination etched across her face as she mentally prepared herself for the day ahead.

{Kylie Jenner x Male OC} Travel to LondonWhere stories live. Discover now