"Parvus Furnunculus!"

Evan jumps to the side just as the spell wizzes from her wand, brushing his cheek as he lets out a pained shout. "You bloody hit my face!" He cries, running over to the mirror frantically as a line of pimples appears along his cheekbone. "My face is ruined, it's— Merlin, I'm going to be sick."

Poorly contained guffaws escape both Andromeda and Dorcas as Evan caresses his face, but the satisfied grin on Laura's face drops when she sees Regulus' eyes trained heavenward and Crouch's look of utter disgust as he scrutinizes her revealed frame. She deftly pulls up the duvet again, and Andromeda takes it as her cue to shoo the boys out with a stern glare.

Carrow cackles from her corner in the room. "Pity you're so scrawny, Lovegood. Your stupidity would look quite endearing on a blonde if they were truly attractive, unlike you."

"Fuck off," Laura mutters, following Dorcas as she pulls her toward her closet. 

Dorcas sifts through her shirts and makes a pleased sound when she finds what she's been looking for. "You're not quite my size, but I've got one of Pandora's old band t-shirts that should fit nicely under your robes." She tosses Laura the frayed black shirt, which feels foreign under her fingertips.

"I've never seen Pandora in this."

Dorcas smiles as she begins to look for a skirt. "It was her favorite. We got it when we managed to get tickets to Queen with Black and McKinnon, though Reg wasn't too pleased about it when we got back. Here." She tosses Laura an ivory green skirt, and her skin prickles when she notices how short the hem is. 

Dorcas notices and frowns. "Sorry, tiny Dora. It's the only one I kept from my second year." 

Laura shrugs, waving dismissively. "It's fine. I doubt anyone will be looking at it anyway."

People do, in fact, look at Laura's skirt as she sits down at the table behind Dorcas for D

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People do, in fact, look at Laura's skirt as she sits down at the table behind Dorcas for D.A.D.A. class, but it seems to just be her presence in general that peeves them. She sighs and sinks into her seat, fiddling with her quill as Andromeda turns around and peers at her with an odd expression. 

"So, are you and Regulus friends now?"

Laura frowns. "No." For some reason, the answer leaves a bad taste in her mouth.

Dorcas snorts. "I doubt they will be now, given she's sitting in his seat."


Laura goes to stand up just as Regulus walks in, a disgruntled yet healed Evan trailing behind him. Regulus shoots her an incredulous glare as he makes his way to the table. "Lovegood. Move."

Laura immediately sits down with an innocent smile. "No, I think I quite like it here." Petty, sure, but the frustrated expression on Regulus' face makes it entirely worth it. 

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