Chapter 2: Crazy Welsh Girl

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This chapter is dedicated to one of my friends who always kicks my butt at everything, and got me into Wattpad. Thanks @AmberSilverwood

The king of all things sarcastic and sassy, Jace Wayland. And he didn't look happy.

He stood a few feet away from the door, a seraph blade balanced in his hand, but he kept his eyes on me. I should add that me and Jace have known each other 6 years, more or less brother and sister. Same with Alec, Izzy, and Max. But out of them all me and Jace were the ones who fought the most. I sighed stepping fully into the room and pushing the door closed with my heel.

I waited for Jace to say something. He just glared.

"Hey" I said casually, walking to the other side of the room where my weapons belt lay from yesterday. I could hear his footsteps as I began to strap on the belt, checking my knives then putting them back in their holsters. I had always been terrible with a seraph blade or weapon used for close fighting. Unlike Alec I didn't have the muscle for a bow, barely could pull one back. So I stuck with tossing knives long distance, though I mostly did it for the fun of showing off. Long years of knife juggling contests with Jace had covered my hands with white lines that had once been thick bloody cuts.

"Your late" Jace said towering above me.

"I slept in"

"You should get more sleep" His voice was stern but caring. His expression softened when I didn't answer. "Or maybe you have been secretly training so you can finally beat me in a fight" A smirk appeared on his face, I rolled my eyes. "More like you are a pussy because I'm a girl"

I said standing, attempting to size him up. I was still shorter than him, being tall for my age didn't give me any help with it. Jace bent down to my level, his golden eyes looking into my own. "Bring it on"


"I think the fact that you get an actual blade is a bit unfair Jace" I said, knives clutched in either hand. We stood around 10-15 feet away from each other on the mat in the training room. I had changed into my gear and had fixed my hair in a ponytail, I do not want to repeat the last time I fought with my hair down....lets say I was not able to brush my hair for a while.

Jace grinned at me, his eyes sparkling. Battle was his thing, being a shadowhunter was who he was, it came so easily to him-unlike me. I was that one girl who had to had been born a weakling. My bravery went as far as me being able to walk to my bathroom in the middle of the night. Jace went head first into everything.

"Not my fault you fight with toothpicks" He said, twirling his seraph blade slightly. "Are we aiming for first girl down or-"

"First girl?" I asked questioningly, tilting my head slightly. "I was thinking first guy down, but you know-whatever your giant ego wants to believe" I flipped one of my knives with my right hand, catching it by the hilt to prove a point and to show him up a little. Hey, the guys ego is as big as his six pack. Only way to bring it down is to make a point. He wiggled his eyebrows at me, I tried to hold back a laugh but it came out sounding like a dying cow.

"Jealous?" He asked.

"Of what?"

"That I am so stunningly attractive, not to mention fantastic in battle, and even god knows I am wonderful in-" In one swift move I threw my knife, it barely missing his ear and getting stuck in the door of the training room. "Finish that sentence Wayland and I will not miss next time" I said loudly so it echoed off the thick walls of the room. Jace's eyes widened, his hand touching his ear where a spot of red had appeared, guess I hadn't missed.

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