Beginnings - The GOC

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After the incident with the Serpent's Hand, the Foundation wanted to take extra security measures. They needed to keep something like this from happening again. They also needed to ensure that other GOIs on the same side as them were prepared too. Well, there weren't really any GOIs completely with the Foundation, especially on their methods. However, there was one GOI they teamed up with from time to time. One that also wanted to protect the world from dangerous SCPs, although their methods were much different from the Foundation. And they were first on the Foundation's list of people to assist with security now that the Serpent's Hand was involved.

So, now the GOC had representatives and soldiers of their own walking the halls of Site-19. They were being escorted to 914's room, and briefed on the situation. After being given a rundown of everything that was happening by their own symbol-faced anomaly, the SCP Foundation had decided that as long as caution was taken, they'd be okay to send a few more uniforms through on very fine.

The Foundation's new humanoid anomaly had explained everything with hardly any prompting after the incident with the Serpent's Hand. They were given an explanation of who he was and what he could do. He was the SCP Foundation personified, and so that was why he had so much knowledge on the inner workings of the Foundation and the anomalies that they contained. He was stronger and more resilient than the average human being, but his strength and resilience depended heavily on the strength and power of the SCP Foundation itself. He also had some really advanced combat and containment skills.

From what he'd said, it seemed like they might now have problems with the Hand for the same reasons. It could only be assumed that their new anomaly was the same as the Foundation's, and she was probably the Serpent's Hand personified. From what the Foundation had witnessed, she likely had different abilities from the humanoid SCP Foundation. She was able to open a way and travel, presumably to the Wanderer's Library, just by whistling. With how long it had taken the Foundation's soldiers to react to her presence, they thought it safe to assume she had some sort of ability to stun or disorient her enemies.

"Okay, we're here. Let's start this thing up and hope for the best."

The Foundation and the GOC agents set up the GOC uniform in 914 and turned the dial to very fine. The machine began its work, and they waited a minute for the process to complete. When the machine opened again, out stepped a new humanoid anomaly, this one with the GOC's symbol on her face.

"Wow, that actually worked." Members of the GOC seemed surprised, making the Foundation's anomaly raise an eyebrow at them.

"Did you doubt us when we said it would?"

The GOC now had a new anomaly of their own. She introduced herself to them as the GOC personified, just as the last two anomalies were the Foundation personified and the Serpent's Hand personified. She seemed to know everything about the GOC, and like the Foundation's anomaly, she had superhuman strength and resilience, as well as natural skill in combat.

"If you encounter the Serpent's Hand and their anomaly, you should have a better chance now." A Foundation scientist told the GOC members. "At least, that's what we hope."

"She'll still be tough to catch when she can summon ways and stun people whenever she wants."

"Yeah, but the Serpent's Hand doesn't seem very combat heavy, so we're hoping that if we can figure out how to work around her other abilities we can beat her in a fight."

"We hope you're right." A GOC member sighed. "So, you wanted to up your own security, right? How do you plan on doing that?"

"Well, we were hoping to bring our MTF units to life next."

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