Beginnings - The Foundation

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It all started with the idea to put a uniform through SCP 914.

The SCP Foundation got curious about what would happen to a variety of stuff if it went through 914 on different settings, as you do. This time, they decided to use an old suit supposedly belonging to a member of the 05 Council. Nobody could say for sure whether it actually did, but that was the rumour around it.

"What do you think is going to come out of this thing?"

"Depends. What setting do we want to put 914 on?"

The Foundation's researchers were currently discussing how they wanted the experiment to go. They only had one suit, so they really needed to make the most of this experiment.

"Let's see what happens if we put it on very fine."

Everyone seemed to agree on that one. They were the most curious about it. So, in the suit went on the one side, and the machine was set on very fine before they turned it on. There was some noise from the machine before it suddenly stopped, with a heavy thud sounding on the other side where their results were supposed to appear.

The researchers and guards all gathered around the doors to the chamber and peered in as they opened. A humanoid figure with a very round head was just beginning to stand up inside. The guards raised their guns, not exactly knowing what to expect from this anomaly.

To their shock, the thing that stood up had the SCP Foundation's symbol right on its mostly featureless face. It was wearing the suit that had been put into the machine and only had eyes on its face. They all stared at each other, confused.

"Gentlemen, could we please put the guns down? I'm only here to help."

Everyone jumped a bit. Despite not having a visible mouth, the anomaly just spoke to them! This was about to get interesting...

Ask or Dare the SCP Humans/Incorrect QuotesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ