Nexus Discovers "Adult Apple Juice"

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The alarms were blaring and lights were flashing. Guards ran all around the halls, rushing in one direction. There had been another containment breach. Caught right in the middle of it, was a small baby centaur named Nexus.

Nexus was scared. Containment breaches were terrifying! The loud noises and the guards with their weapons were enough to make anyone more than a little jumpy. Even after being at Site-19 for a while now, Nexus wasn't used to it enough to pay no mind to the breaches.

He ran down the hallways avoiding the guards and searching for a safe space. He eventually stumbled into the staff break room, and hid under a table in there. The sounds were muffled, and then they stopped completely. It was quiet for a while, but then, footsteps.

A strange man walked into the room. He didn't look like any of the other humans Nexus had seen. A round, circular head with a strange black and white symbol of a hammer on it. There were eyes and a mouth, but they weren't really human. The eyes were big and white. He was wearing a military uniform that had a patch on the shoulder bearing the same symbol as the strange man's face. Nexus hid further under the table. The man was carrying a big gun.

"I think that was one of our quickest clean ups yet." He was grinning at someone else. A regular human in the same uniform as him. There were a bunch of regular humans in that uniform, but none had that strange symbol on their face or any of the strange man's other features.

"I could really use a quick drink after that one." One of the normal men chimed in.

"What? This wasn't even that bad of a breach!"

"Yeah, but the one before it was, and then we had to come straight here. Let's take a break before we get another call."

"Weak." The strange man teased his apparent teammate, but went to the fridge and pulled out a can of some sort of drink. "You know, water would be a lot healthier for you."

"Yeah but it doesn't give the same buzz."

"I don't think you should want a buzz at work. Man, Omega-1 might kill me for this."

The strange man poured glasses of what appeared to be apple juice for several of his teammates and started passing them out.

"Don't tell anyone else and don't give me a hangover."

"You know how many of us would have to get a bad hangover for it to affect you?"

"You know how many people are here?"

"How many?"


Nexus, intrigued by the drink and honestly quite thirsty from running for his life from the containment breach earlier, began to sneak out from under the table and head towards where the can of apple juice was sitting across the room. Just before he could grab it, another hand snatched it out of reach.

"Okay little one, let's not touch that." The strange man was right in front of Nexus now, thankfully without his gun. "This drink isn't safe for you."

Nexus backed up in fear, letting out a quiet scream as the strange man startled him.

"Woah, woah! It's okay! I won't hurt you." The man passed the can of juice to one of his teammates and knelt down to Nexus's height. "Sorry for startling you. Are you thirsty?"

Nexus stopped backing away when he heard the man's gentle tone and hesitantly nodded. The strange man got back up, went back to the fridge, and brought Nexus a box of actual apple juice.

"Here you go. This one should be okay for you to drink."

After making sure that Nexus felt calm around him, the strange man tried talking to him again.

"Why are you out of your cell little guy? Did you escape during the breach too?"

Nexus nodded.

"I was scared..."

"I see. Yeah, containment breaches can be scary. Don't worry though, we cleaned everything up. The containment breach is over now. It's safe to go back to your cell."

"It is?"

"Yeah! I can take you back there if you want."

"Who are you...?"

"Oh, um... Well, technically I'm the living embodiment of mobile task force Hammer Down." The strange man smiled. "Some people just call me Hammer Down. A lot of others call me Nu-7. I'm an anomaly that was made accidentally by the SCP Foundation."


"So, do you want me to take you back now?"

"What's that?" Nexus pointed at the can that Hammer Down had told him not to drink from earlier.

"Oh, that's a drink."

"What drink?"

"Um... It's called beer."

"What's beer?"

"Aren't you a little young for this conversation?"

When he saw that the little centaur wasn't budging on his question and still wanted answers, Hammer Down sighed.

"It's an adult drink. It tastes different from apple juice and it makes you feel... Really out of it, I guess. It's no good for children."

That combined with the fact that his team was currently drinking was all bad news for Hammer Down as his wellbeing was dependent on the wellbeing of the team as a whole. He needed to get Nexus back to his cell so that he could focus on stopping the unit from drinking much more than they'd already had.

"Okay buddy, I think it's about time to get you back to your room. Can you show me the way to it please? If you're still hungry or thirsty we can take some juice boxes and snacks with us and you can have them in your cell."

"I like honey snacks!"

"Okay, we'll get you some of those!"

Hammer Down gathered up the snacks and juice boxes for Nexus and took the little centaur back to his cell, making sure he was comfortable and secure inside. Then he made his way back to the break room where his team was.

"Okay guys, I'm going to have to cut you off. I will get nauseous if you guys keep drinking at this rate."

"Aw, can't hold your liquor?"

"I can hold my liquor just fine. I can't hold all of yours combined."

The team chuckled a bit but listened to the anomalous living human embodiment of everything that their unit was and stood for and put the rest of the beer away, just in time to be ready to leave when a few minutes later they got their next call.

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⏰ Última actualización: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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