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Mara laid sideways on her bed with her head hung off the edge and her sketchbook laid open on her lap. Drawings of Wednesday decorated the page. The goth girl had begun to play a large role in Mara's sketchbook, with many of the pages containing various sketches of her.

Similarly, Mara's thoughts seemed to revolve around Wednesday. When she was with her, she spent most of her time admiring the girl, and when they were apart, she was entirely consumed by thoughts of her.

Mara closed her eyes with a sigh, running a hand through her hair and letting her arm fall off the bed. It was becoming harder and harder to be around Wednesday. Mara liked her so much it hurt, and the painfully oblivious witch was sure Wednesday only thought of her as a friend.

Mara absentmindedly tapped her fingers against the floor, her rings quietly clicking against each other and the floorboards.

She wanted to be more than a friend to Wednesday, but she knew Wednesday would never like her like that. Or would she? Maybe she should just tell her. And risk ruining their friendship?

Mara groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose. She was so conflicted, she wanted to tell Wednesday, so, so badly. But she was terrified, scared that she would once again mess up and push Wednesday away.

Worthless. She would never want you. No one could ever love you. Her fathers words floated around in her head. Taunting her.

Mara opened her eyes, wanting to force his cruel voice out of her head. What she was not expecting was to see Wednesday's dark eyes staring into her soul as the smaller girl looked down at her.

"JESUS FUCK!" Mara cried, snapping her head up as her eyes quickly flashed a dark red in surprise. Wednesday quickly stepped back to avoid getting hit by Mara's flailing arms as she scrambled to sit up. Mara, having sat up way too quickly, fell right out of her bed and onto the floor.

"You have to stop doing that to me, Wens," Mara groaned, rubbing her head where she had hit it on the floor. Wednesday raised an eyebrow, staring down at the brunette laying at her feet.


"Fair enough," Mara said after a pause, standing up and picking her sketchbook up off the floor. She twirled the book in her hands a few times before tossing it back on her bed.

"And, why are you here?" Mara asked, her eyebrows furrowing as she ran a hand through her hair, pushing it out of her face. "Not that I'm complaining of course-"

"I've found something," Wednesday cut off Mara's rambling.

"Ooo what did you find?" Mara asked, her interest piqued.

"You'll see," Wednesday stated, turning to face the door and gesturing for Mara to follow her, "let's go."

"Should I change?" Mara questioned, looking down at her flannel pajama pants and wrinkled shirt.

"You don't have to," Wednesday opened the door, glancing back at Mara as she waited for the brunette.

"Perfect, gimme a sec," Mara muttered, tugging her shoes on and grabbing her jacket off the back of her chair.

The pair soon reached the staircase and Wednesday hurried down them, her shoes barely making a noise against the stone steps. Mara wasn't nearly as graceful, she tripped over her shoelaces on the 3rd step. The only reason she didn't tumble the whole way down was that Wednesday was able to grab the back of her jacket in time, hauling her upright with an amused expression on her face.

"Don't look at me like that," Mara grumbled, steadying herself before bending down to tie her shoes.

𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕙 𝕀𝕥   || Wednesday AddamsWhere stories live. Discover now