Chapter Six: A Day With You

Start from the beginning

"That's not funny, that's actually extremely creepy because you literally have to walk past me."

"No, you're good. Actually, I left while you were in the bathroom at some point. I don't know what time. I really don't know how long I've been sitting here."

"In the dark..."

"In the dark, yes."

"And why...are you just sitting in the dark?" Sunghoon asks. Heeseung shrugs and takes a deep breath, lifting his arms above his head to stretch.

"'s comforting. Late night, early morning hours...while everyone is asleep and it's quiet inside and outside. You sit in the dark, so that your senses can have a break. You don't see much, and you don't hear much either." Heeseung explains.

"It's like taking a rest from everything. Especially when you can clear your mind. Focus on a small rhythmic a clock. If you don't have that, then tap lightly on something." he continues. Sunghoon blinks at him.


"It just...makes sense. You would understand if you tried it. It's soothing. It's even better if you put yourself in a small space, like a closet."

"What...? So you're telling me that you purposefully force yourself into a small, dark space...for comfort?" Sunghoon asks. Heeseung nods.


"And that works for you?"


Sunghoon shakes his head and looks away. He wasn't exactly claustrophobic but the thought of being trapped in a dark closet made him uncomfortable. Either way, if Heeseung said it worked, then he would trust him. Maybe he would try it...someday. Not today.

"Why were you awake all night?" Heeseung asks. Sunghoon shrugs.

"I don't know. I just couldn't fall asleep. And before you ask, no. I wasn't busy thinking about something. I just...I don't know." Sunghoon fidgets with his fingers.

"No, I get it. It happens sometimes, I've done that before." Heeseung says. Sunghoon smiles, he was thankful that Heeseung wasn't going to dig. That's what he liked about these conversations with Heeseung, he never had to say more than he wanted to. He checked the time and then sighed.

"I think I need to get ready now. I have to film that vlog with Sunoo today. See you this evening?" Sunghoon asks. Heeseung pats his hand and nods.

"You'll be fine. I promise, Hoon." He says reassuringly. Sunghoon stays in the presence of his comfort for a few more moments before finally standing and making his way back towards the bedroom.


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